As Caelyn crumpled to the ground after metaphorically shitting himself, Kasumi rolled over and started laughing - loudly and obnoxiously - for a good couple of minutes before getting up and sighing to herself, wiping a single tear from one of her eyes. She looked around the hospital corridor quickly, before pointing in a direction and beginning a moderately-paced walk towards it. Her Gen and Mythari towed behind, being sure to keep a watch out for anything that could be approaching from the rear, while Kasumi pulled her knife out of her belt into a more comfortable position: Ready for action. "You scare too easily, studmuffin. How are you ever going to impress someone when you shit yourself at the first sign of danger?" She commented, rather dryly, as she kept her eyes focused on anything that moved within the strange mist. The corridor seemed to not be that long, and it quickly split off into two additional corridors, leaving three choices of direction. Kasumi, having never been one to think particularly hard about the direction she was going in, deigned to simply continue going forwards. After Caelyn's earlier display, she figured that he'd stay with her for as long as he needed to. Judging from the increasing chill in the air, it seemed like the pair were getting closer to either the morgue or to their impending demise. It couldn't hurt to guess which was which. After another couple of minutes of walking, she stopped suddenly and extended her arm, the universal nonverbal symbol to request that your allies stop in their tracks. The staircase directly ahead of them seemed to be filled with a higher concentration of mist than the rest of the corridor had been, and Kasumi was suspicious - she allowed the same ethereal-white energy to coat her left hand as she primed a Lesser Fireball for use, ready to react to anything that could possibly come up the stairs. After what felt like a solid ten minutes of waiting - despite only being five seconds - Kasumi shrugged and threw the fireball into the mouth of the stairwell regardless. After hearing the telltale sounds of an explosion, as well as an unholy shriek, Kasumi was glad that she had deigned to do so. Whatever it was that had just burned in purifying fire was likely not going to be friendly towards herself or her new boytoy/unwitting ally. It was for the best that it had died. Again.