As promised, here are the CS skeletons. Please be thoughtful in filling them out, but have fun with it. [hider=Male CS] Appearance: (Include Beast Appearance Via Link, Hider Etc.) ((Description or picture is fine. I like anime pictures, but any type of art from photography to digital or drawing is fine.)) Name: (They're Brothers They Have The Same Last Name) Nickname: Age: (16-20) Gender: Color Rose: Tattoo Location: Abilities: (Something That Makes You Unique Etc.) Likes: Dislikes: Personality: History: (This should be discussed with the others, so leave it blank for now.) Other: Theme Song: (Optional) [/hider] [hider=Female CS] Appearance: (Picture or description is fine. I like anime picture, but any type of artwork from photography to digital to drawing is fine. Just no cubism. No.) Name: Nickname: Age: (16-20) Gender: Likes: Dislikes: Personality: History: Other: Theme Song: (Optional) [/hider] Feel free to ask if anything gets confusing. I'll be making a character based on whether we need more males or females. If we have too many of either, though, you can probably save characters for now in case I end up doing a Free version.