2Spooky Amelia watched Kito walk around. Her mind was trying to find the best possible way to explain. He must have not heard anything yet. How was best to tell him? 'There are a bunch of zombies outside and they all wanted in the morgue'? That.. was probably the best. All of her natrelmon returned to their relics except Eishund. He was determined to stay with them. She watched Kito reading a book. His face contorted as he stashed it away. She wondered then if they had found the same book. "Kito, I am sorry to hear about Elwis, but I am afraid he may be the least of our worries." Amelia fought with the words. She knew that Kito cared for Elwis, but they had worse things now after them. There was a scrape at the door. Something was considering coming in. "There are a bunch of undead natrelmon and humans outside. According to the message I got, they are coming here." Her tone was hushed. Don't want those outside to have even more reason to come in. Amelia then remembered that a larger group was coming in. Maybe it would be wise to clear this area fully. After all, it was attached to the hospital. She looked at Kito while rubbing Eishund's head thoughtfully. "You want to look around? There should be other people here."