Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- It had been quite a long time since Ssarak had been in an inn. It was before he joined the college, when he was still finding work as a mercenary in human towns and cities. He got just as many looks from the patrons now as he did then, though thinking about it, he could hardly blame them. After all, an eight-foot tall Esyire, armed and fully armored apart from the helmet in his bag was not a normal sight. Luckily, those same traits made it unlikely that anyone would confront him as long as he kept to himself. The pleasant scents of seasoned meats and soups in the air tugged at his mind and reminded him of his hunger, but Meirin's well-being was on his mind at the moment. Given that Meirin was an armed individual with a Human-Naga hybrid in tow, Ssarak had no trouble finding her among the patrons. The chairs at each of the tables were clearly not designed for someone of his stature, so he simply walked up to Meirin's table and stood beside her, looking down upon her and Lyn. "I took Alaira to the local physician. He agrees that she has blood sickness, and he seemed familiar with the condition. He agreed to a reasonable price to care for her for the night; I believe she will recover by morning. After that...I believe we will need to exchange some words. For now, though, I am ready to help with the rune. I recall the basics of how to use one, though it may take a few hours to complete the healing, given the apparent extent of your injuries. Shall we use one of our rooms?" He asked.