[quote=Asura] If Laura finds out Cynthia got her position by sitting on it throughout the test while she went AoT on a treant, she'll do worse than that. [/quote] I await it...in the future. :P [quote=KabenSaal] Cynthia got the position of team leader by being level headed and not a bitch. And, what is RP if not Fan-fic? Original or other wise? [/quote] Thank you. [quote=KabenSaal] She showed herself to be not a bitch. And, I like that idea. Tease Weiss in class so she has to answer questions while still keeping the flush from her cheeks, and her voice steady. [/quote] [quote=Flamelord] And then she sics the best legal team on the planet on you for sexual harassment, and successfully sues you for everything you own. And a restraining order. And possibly a prison sentence [/quote] [quote=Asura] I think there's a definite fanfiction line and it's crossed when somebody starts fingering Weiss under the lecture room's desk. [/quote] Well I did not have that in mind... -- Pertaining to fanfic and canon interaction, I think it should be minor interaction that does not break canon. We could talk to the canon teams and interact but our interacitons should never have the effect of breaking lore too much such as Ruby having a relationship with Laura as an example...