Both Shizuka and Ace both let out a collective groan as they heard Nomis's voice once again. He really was trying to pull off the image of a charismatic leader with the best intentions of the public in mind. The Empire was well past the point of trying to coddle the masses, for they had already partaken in mass murder. You would be hard pressed to find someone that did not have a grudge against the Empire for one reason or another, and the disturbing fact in this matter was that this was how it was meant to be. Nomis had spawned more mechanical abominations using his tainted metal, three hovering robots that each set out on a specific course of action. Two of the bots split up to attack Ace and Shizuka, changing in form to adapt to their target. "Holy War of the Worlds..." Ace said, the robot's design clearly too close to that of something he'd read before. It's legs stomped about attempting to pierce him, however, he was easily able to evade the strikes. He could see bullets coming from a mile away, the clunky swings of a robot were nothing. Shizuka on the other hand, was being more cautious, the claw and drill that the robot in front of her had produced looked quite dangerous, and she did not have a weapon to defend herself with. She picked up a metal pipe from the wreckage of the storehouse, and swung it at the robot, sure enough, the pipe was easily cleaved in two. That sold it, she wasn't letting that thing get close to her. She began to pick up rocks and debris, throwing it at the robot as it chased her. Ace still had not drawn his blade, he could destroy the robot, but he knew that as long as Nomis willed it he could send more after them. Nonchalantly avoiding the robot's attacks he spotted Nomis and Caleb entering a car. Well, now he had a reason to get this bot off his back. Meanwhile, Lin attempted to halt the vehicle with a fireball, but narrowly missed it. Ace couldn't help but agree with her sentiment that their foes were being cowards, surely they knew that throwing heaps of metal at them wouldn't get them anywhere. Lin was quick to try and make up for her mistake, and sent a fire blast at tripod that incinerated it. "Thanks, Lin. I see your fire hasn't lost it's touch." He said, rushing over towards her. A pair of Neoshadows had sneaked their way behind her, Ace quickly moved between them and Lin and cut them apart. "You've gotta watch out for those ones, they can creep through the shadows... Hold on, Shizuka's running this way for some reason." "Ace gimme your sword! I'm out of stuff to throw at this thing." "So you want to throw my sword!?" "N-No, just give it!" Shizuka cried out, Ace shook his head and tossed Shizuka his katana. The moment she caught the blade still in it's sheath, a manic grin spread on her face, as if she had just been given the keys to the car she wasn't allowed to drive. Without drawing the blade, Shizuka hardened her arm into steel, and swung the sheathed blade at the robot. The result was akin to what one would see if they slammed a clock onto pavement, the robot was blown apart, however Shizuka didn't stop there. Like a tank in an RPG she had just risen her aggro to an insane level. The rest of the heartless all leaped onto her at once, but were each torn to shreds as Shizuka bludgeoned them with reckless abandon. She walked up to Ace breathing heavily, and handed him his weapon back, she then turned to Lin and hugged her as tight as she could. "I'm... So glad to see you Lin! I've missed you so much! Ace has missed you so much, right? Ace, give Lin a hug!" "U-um." Ace couldn't help but blush at the idea, it had only been six months, but Lin seemed to be a lot cuter than the last time he saw her. Apparently he was taking too long to decide, because Shizuka grabbed him and forced him to join the hug. "I uhh, missed you too, Lin. I'm glad you're still safe." Shizuka let Ace go, and took a better look at Lin. "So what brings you here? oh oh, How's your brother Han?"