Will listened to both Yahtzee and Phil, seemed like a sound plan but Will would have to wait for their assailants to reload or something before he could switch with Phil. "Okay, Phil. When I say 'switch ', you do just that, all right? Ready?" Will said to Phil. As if from nowhere, Spike the turtle managed to distract them, collapsing some rafters too. This was their chance. "Okay, switch!" Will yelled, he spun to face Yahtzee as Phil created his own wall of hard light. "Right, cover? Hmm." Will said to Yahtzee and to himself. He sat their for a moment, not saying anything, until his eyes widened. "Got it!" He said while grabbing his fedora from the ground, which fell when they dropped to their knees. "Phil, we need to make the steam in here, I need you to create holes where the steam can escape, then we run to the door. Yahtzee, I'm gonna make water in here, blast it. Everyone else, get ready to run." Will said to everyone inside the light shield. Will slowly created and enlarged a ball of water. "Everyone ready?" He asked to the others.