The classes and races all have pros and cons. Trolls are slow with high defense and high attack.. Their attacks are close range. We can take dwarves out. Humans have low defense, average attack, and average speed. They're played by players who want more of a challenge, and their weapons can be close or long range. Elves have long range weapons. High speed. Low defense. Average attack. Then for classes Knight is the tank. They have highest health and defense. Mage is healer. We can include the other two, but these two are necessary in any party so I figured that we'd just stop there to keep it simple. Then there is obvious combinations that make for things being better. So troll knight and elf mage? I'm thinking our RP starts as both online and irl. They meet each other irl and complain to the other online unknowingly. Then they eventually (not too soon, mind you) find out that it's the same person. They stop going online to avoid each other. Then they get close irl and maybe we can go to them being back online again to spend more time together? The last part is optional, depending on if you like the online part. It'd be easier to have most of it irl, though. Because I don't want to go too deep into the MMO aspects of the RP.