"Hm... Guess nobody's home." Kade sighed as there was no answer from Theresa's dorm. With a shrug, Kade turned and headed down the hallway. She didn't know what to do now, with the rain, it was difficult to go outside and have some fun. So it'd need to be indoor activities. She could go to the cafeteria and pick up something to eat, or maybe grab her pool cue and play a couple rounds with somebody in the student lounge. She thought on it as she walked down the hallway of the dormitories. After deciding that she didn't want to backtrack to get her cue, she went with going to the cafeteria. Kade opened the main entrance doors to the women's dormitories and looked at the torrential downpour. She looked around for something that could shield her from the rain, but didn't find anything. She didn't really want to get wet. Kade debated going to the inverse to pass by without the rain, but it was too risky for her wellbeing. With a long inhale, she sucked it up and made a mad dash for the next building. She wasn't really watching her footing, which played against her more than anything as he slipped on the wet ground. She flew forward a couple feet and ate the ground, her arms covering her face. Kade lay on the ground for a moment, the rain pelting her while she soaked in a puddle. "I hate raaaain!" she yelled out, not caring if anybody was around. She pushed herself from the ground and finished her dash to the next building. Looking herself over, there were a couple of scrapes on her elbow. She brushed them off despite the rainwater having already cleaned them. Her clothes were saturated with water, they clung to her body. It felt awkward to move, feeling the fabric stick to her and then peeled off whenever it wrinkled, it made her cold and uncomfortable. There was a look on her face, a look that wordlessly spoke, 'Just my luck...' When she opened the door to the next building, there was a thunder clap, accompanied by some lightning, that made her look like a dark entity was entering through a door, silhouetted by the flash of lightning. She shuffled into the building, water dripping off of her like she was a human shower.She immediately traveled to the nearest bathroom to start the long endeavor of drying herself off.