Aera ignored Atami's rudeness. He was right on one point - they would settle things later. For now, survival would be their main concern. His Mythari seemed powerful enough to handle serious opponents; at the moment the trainer was a valuable ally. "I don't think I will get anything useful out of beating you. Going in there alone is suicide, and I have no plans of dying today." She wondered what Astral Projection was. It sounded rather risky, if he were so hesitant about being alone with another stranger. Aera's Kujaku went upfront, pecking Aera on the foot. It was tired of being out of the spotlight, and it fluffed its colorful feathers up, trying to intimidate the inquisitive Mythari. "Damn it. You're such a prima dona, you know..." She nodded at her Kaigara, which willingly took the rear. It was shy, but attentive to the situation. Aera turned her attentions back to the trainer, who still had his back to her. "I suppose the morgue is on the lowest floor of the hospital. Makes sense, since they would keep biohazard material away from where most people are to prevent outbreaks." She held her hand out and made a small burst of flame; the light illuminated the dark hall for a second. She let the flame die quickly, wary of the attention it might bring from the monsters that lay ahead. "I don't know about you and your damned astral projection, but I can't see in the dark. We're going to need a light to go down there."