The Demon Lord's head tilts slightly to the side as Gwen outlines her plan. A smile spreads slowly across his face. He stands motionless as she examines his physique, though a shiver - small, but noticeable - runs through him as she touches his wings. [b]"I picked well. Smart plan. I would have suggested Noah Ash as a name... if you can work out that reference, I'll be extremely impressed. Roman Woodland is fine, however. Now... a human appearance... you might want to stand back. Compressing my power is a bit of a violent process."[/b] He rolls his head on his shoulders and takes a few paces back. He closes his eyes, bows his head, and raises his arms out to his sides. With a bang, the floor cracks around him, and a vortex of blood-coloured flames begins to swirl. The temperature of the room shoots up. A shimmering whiteness begins to glow from his body as the vortex closes in, quickly building to a blinding intensity. With a final blast of noise and a shockwave that shakes the floor, the light dissipates to reveal the Demon Lord's new shape. He's retained his impressive stature and physique, but the details of his appearance have substantially altered. His new hair is mid-length and slightly messy, a deep chocolate-brown. The clean-shaven jaw is strong and well-defined. Angular cheekbones draw attention to his piercing blue eyes which look out on the world with a captivating stare, hard and confident yet with just a hint of a hidden warmth. His teeth are white and perfect. He's also completely naked. "You don't happen to have some male clothes around here somewhere, do you?" [hider=The Reference]His full name is Ar'khash. The first three letters are "Ark". In the Bible, Noah built an ark. Take away the "Ark" from Ar'khash and you're left with an "ash" sound. Therefore, Noah Ash.[/hider]