[b]Name[/b]: Zaria i'Kezec [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: Zaria stands at around 5'7", possibly 5'8", and has a certain air of grace to the way she holds herself. While she herself lacks in muscle she often makes up for it in speed and some form of agility (though she would rarely get into a combat situation herself). Her hair is very dark, black in colour with an almost blue shine in certain lights. Her hair is long and slightly wavy, often kept pinned up or braided so it is out of the way. Her eyes are a light hazel in colour. While the clothing she wears is practical it is obviously of a high quality, in rich hues of red, black and blue. [b]Hometown[/b]: Lifan [b]Personality[/b]: Zaria holds a certain air of confidence. She likes to think of herself as a leader and often knows the right words to say for a situation, whether those are compliments or thinly veiled insults. Even with this she does have her moments of weaknesses when she speaks badly of everyone and everything. She does appear friendly and certainly has no problems with making 'friends' even if she would not count people as that. To her they are merely allies. She is quite calm and rarely panics, at least in front of others. She is rather intelligent and good at getting people to work with her and like her even if they wouldn't otherwise. While she appears to be a calm, sophisticated and friendly lady there is certainly another side to her, where she is ambitious and will do whatever necessary to complete her goals. [b]Relic Description[/b]: A silver chain necklace with charms made of black sapphire in the shape of clubs and spades and charms of ruby in the shape of hearts and diamonds [b]Starting Natrelmon[/b]: Nevetta, Sakura-re [b]Starting Spell Schools[/b]: Abjuration, Cryomancy [b]History[/b]: Born in Lifan Zaria's parents were incredibly well off, verging on rich. Her parents were skilled merchants and as a result Zaria grew up in reasonable luxury. She was never interested in following in her parent's footsteps and becoming a merchant as that was something she viewed as too easy. From a young age her interests always lay in books and research, and she spent a lot of her time improving her intellectual skills. In addition to this she had an odd love for card games and it was here that her competitive nature showed, as she often played against her slightly older and more talented sister. Even though she was something of a book lover, though, Zaria spent a lot of time socialising due to her parent's position and learned various social skills though this. It wasn't until her teenage years that Zaria began to take an interest in Natrelmon. Though she knew of their existence it was when she began to read various books about them that her interest grew. Soon a plan grew in her mind, that she could go into something beyond being a scholar. She would become a trainer and not just any trainer, the best there would ever be. As a gift she got her relic from her parents, along with her two Natrelmon. After training for a bit of time, not moving far from her home town Zaria deemed herself ready to head out and begin her journey as a trainer. [b]Professions[/b]: Scholar, Tamer [b]Noteworthy Skills[/b]: Is very diplomatic, fast at reading, has good people skills and can act very friendly, is really quite good at lying when needed and is good at getting people to work with her. Most importantly is how incredibly witty she can be. Also, she is very skilled at card games and always has a pack of cards on her person. + [b]Zaria i'Kezec[/b] + + Party Natrelmon + 1) Nevetta - Male - 15 - [Experience] 2) Sakura-re - Female - 10 - [Experience] 3) Omu - Female - 17 - [Experience] 4) Yata - Male - 15 - [Experience] Money: 23500 N Spell Schools: - Rank IV Blood Magic - [experience] - Rank III Crymancy - 1500 - Rank III Hydromancy - 1500 - Rank I Abjuration - 100 Gifts - N/A Items - Automatic Rank-Up in Magic (Book) - Tear Gem of Redemption - Notes of Archmage Xu-Shin Profession: - Rank V Scholar - 5800 - Rank I Tamer Information: -