[img]http://sniktbubs.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/devitt5.jpg[/img] [i]THE GLOW OF VIOLENCE[/i] [b]Name:[/b] - Ronan William Duffy [b]Nickname:[/b] - Ro – By his Mother - Ripper – Never said to his face [b]Age:[/b] - 27 [b]Place of Birth:[/b] - Dublin, Northern Ireland [b]Family:[/b] - Fergal Duffy – Father - Esther Duffy (nee Finnegan) – Mother - 3 brothers and 4 sisters (to be named) [b]Relationship Status:[/b] - To Be Confirmed [b]Occupation:[/b] - Site Surveyor – Duffy Windows and Doors Manufacture - Thief and Hitman for the Family [img] http://img.bleacherreport.net/img/slides/photos/003/735/520/0127fdf3ac0d3a4b9217a2b9300084ed_crop_north.jpeg?w=630&h=420&q=75[/img] [b]Personality and History:[/b] Born one of eight children, you would think that Ronan would need to fight for the attention of his parents. This however was not the case. From an early age it became obvious that Ronan only ever needed himself, everyone else was just an accessory. He seemed numb and cold even to his siblings. His youngest sister once accurately characterised him thusly: [i]”You can look into Ronan’s eyes and he’ll greet you with the most charming smile but behind his gaze, he simply isn’t there. He’s ice, cold and transparent”[/i] It seemed that Ronan could not find the joy in anything until he started becoming immersed in the destructive world that his family had built over a 100 years. Through his initiation into the criminal fraternity at the age of fourteen, Ronan began to display hidden aspects of his personality. He is menacing, unpredictable, dangerous, wicked, dastardly, somewhat unreasonable and cocky to a fault. The most joy to ever come out of Ronan was when he was beating someone with his fists. This elation led him into the underground fight scene, where he still thrives to this day. The glow of violence has completely seduced him and he often uses it as a release for any pent up emotions. Ronan considers fighting fun, and tries to get as much fun as he can, even taking deadly risks to drag out fights for as long as possible. He limits his skills in order to make fights last longer, using. He constantly smiles when engaging in a fight with a formidable opponent which can be somewhat unnerving. He firmly believes the winner is only determined when the other dies. On the flip side of his violent tendencies and general disregard for any life not his own, Ronan is incredibly intelligent and far more cerebral than he is given credit for. It was his idea to build windows and doors that had weaknesses in order to rob a place with ease and it was his idea to plant members of their family overseas in order to build new business. Despite his general indifference to the world around him, Ronan is by far one of the more loyal members of the family. Willing to do anything for those he loves, Ronan will kill, maim, torment and open a vain for his parents and his siblings and anyone that has the fortune (or misfortune) of finding themselves inside his black heart. He hides himself behind a mask of sanity, appearing calm and jovial to everyone around him but once that bloodlust sets in and that mask slips off, the ripper is ready to play…. [b]Extra:[/b] - Ronan is an avid martial artist and over the years has been earning many styles. He is not a master of any but he tends to amalgamise them all when fighting - He has a husky called Scooby - The finger gun (as seen above) is a taunt he uses often when in a fight or preparing to kill someone