It was a rather damp morning as it turned out, the air was heavy with mist and moisture, the grass was shining with residue from the recent rains. And Captain Rachel Gregstone of Ylisse's Dawn Knights was out wondering the fields of a village near the capital, chasing rumors of bandits in the area. She drew the hood of her tactician's coat and sighed. "I probably should have brought some backup, Lieutenant Walsh will not like me going out on my own like this." Still she had to act, Walsh would've insisted on mustering the troops which would've taken a week or more. If the rumors were true then Rachel couldn't wait that long, the village here couldn't wait that long. So she walked, walked through the cold, damp field all alone. AS she was walking, Rachel saw a Pegasus dive from above and land softly some distance ahead of her. What would a Pegasus Knight be doing out here? She decided to quietly approach, watching the creature and it's rider a bit before approaching. When Rachel saw the rider she couldn't help but feel her jaw fall. A man, the Pegasus was being ridden by a man. Never had Rachel heard of a male Pegasus rider. Now, she didn't really know why there weren't any male riders, just that there weren't. She overcame her surprise quickly enough, deciding to take some kind of action as the rider was just standing there. Her hand drifted to the hilt of her sword as she drew closer. When she was within earshot she called. "Hail there, friend. Do you know how much farther it is to the nearest village?