[quote=Apollosarcher] And if you got near my character well, you would be figured out fast. [/quote] I never even noticed what race your character was! Damn, I guess that's the spying thing out of the way! [quote=Sep] Heh...So naive... Sorry wanted to say that. That isn't how it works. You can sense someones but not their . For example in A New hope vader went "The force is strong with this one." Luke couldn't do anything with the Force then. Literally zip zap zoop, besides somehow get torpedoes sucked into a ventilation shaft. But lets blame that too someone having "Suck" on instead of "Blow" or name it a conspiracy by VaderThey can sense how strong you are in the Force but that doesn't really change with training. Think of it this way, you have a perfectly athletic body that gives you the to be a gymnast. You may look like one but you aren't, after years of training you eventually manage to become a gymnast. You still look the same, your body is still at the maximum it can ever be, but you can do more with it.Make sense? [/quote] Yeah, I understand! How exactly do you know so much about the canon? There's such a massive part of it that I'm only finding out about now because I'm going through Wookieepedia!