Well, Mercy isn't a Skull, and with her job in the Casino District I thought it'd be a nice way to introduce her. But after looking over the city information I'm not sure Sinners Row is that close to the Downtown area, or at least going in that direction. ^^; Also, [quote=Maxx] He fell through the bar's glass double doors and stumbled into the hallway, where he fell on Johnny, killing him instantly. All that remained was a pair of star-shaped sunglasses. [/quote] rip Johnny. [quote=Dragonbud] I've decided, Grease is gonna give Tony a really embarrassing pet name since he is one of the younger members of the gang. Like Baby Tony or something. [/quote] Poor Tony, haha. cx The good thing though, is that he'd never talk back or saying anything about to Grease. Just get all tight lipped, and embarrassed.~ Anyone else though, "Call me that again, and I will [b]cut[/b] you."