[quote=Mr Allen J] Good, I prefer RPs with OCs.I'm personally pretty open to any and all ideas. But I have a suggestion: what if we're a team of roving superheroes, going from city to city, solving crime and beating up bad guys? It's a pretty good way to keep things moving and fresh. Once again, a suggestion. [/quote] If I may add an idea to this! I think roaming around is all well and good, however, I think it might be better to (at least at the start) we limit the "team" to a certain area, be it a city or small territory of sorts, with the occasional mission outside of said city/territory. In doing that we can ensure at least one decently developed area of play and can take our time creating a bigger world around us and figuring more things out from there. [quote=Impulse] Sounds excellent. I'm game, but I have two questions: will the role play be casual, intermediate, or advanced? and can we play as villains? [/quote] I would hope this ends up as a High Casual RP, but that's just my opinion. As for Villians, in my experience with Superhero RPs having players be both antagonists and protagonists leads to certain... Difficulties. Difficulties that I find are rather cumbersome in the face of an ongoing RP. Something I'd like to suggest, not for the RP itself, but for the world building aspect is that we do it similarly to a Republic, where we would hold votes (anonymously if possible) and develop the world with both winning and losing parties in mind (unless they contradict each other) so that at least some of what the losing party wants can be implemented, even if the winning parties idea gets more development. [b]Edit: Sorry for the double post, I meant to edit that into my previous post, but misclicked when I went to copy.[/b]