I love the idea of random powers. Here's my CS, and I hope you don't mind if it's short. Usually I write extremely long ones, but since I think you said it was alright if it was shorter, I'll just get it done quickly. Name: Suki Arakida Age: 14 Appearance: [hider=Suki] [img=http://i344.photobucket.com/albums/p360/GakuenAliceRox/Fuyu/girl63-1.png] In her image, that's not her magical girl outfit or anything. Just her regular clothes. Her magical girl outfit is green-coloured, and looks like this: [img=http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb341/blueparrot1/na_zps96877101.png] except with green boots and gloves instead of blue. [/hider] Personality: Suki is very artistic. She enjoys creating things, and quite often she has periods in which she has a very strong desire to create. She is a social person, and loves making jokes, although when the joke is turned on her, it can hurt her quite a lot. Struggling with self-confidence for a long time, she just recently gained a huge boost in confidence and ego. History: Suki grew up under a lot of stress. Her parents always pushed very good marks, and she often had to use the arts as a way to escape the harsh reality of her grades. She got many good marks, most of which were over 90%, but her parents wanted more and constantly yelled at her for getting anything below their expectations. Through lots of practice, Suki became very good at drawing and playing the flute. She takes a lot of pride in those two abilities, and she uses them as a way to boost her confidence when she's feeling low. Powers: Can turn clothes into weapons.