The royal servants were bustling, not a single set of idle hands between them. Today was a momentous day, even for those among the staff that didn't know precisely what was planned. Guest chambers that hadn't seen use in years were cleaned top to bottom and nearly completely renovated, decked with richly upholstered furnitures and finely woven rugs. The chefs had begun preparing a feast since before the crack of dawn, ostensibly to celebrate the newly started war games. Grand things were in motion. In amidst that furor the buxom Head Maid moved unhurriedly between tasks, checking the progress of her subordinates. [b]"Do you have enough of the yellow cloth the Princess liked?[/b] she asked as she dipped her head into a room where a half dozen maids toiled with bolts of cloth, sewing needles, and thread. "Yes, but it's sort of..." one of the seamstresses trailed off, holding the garish fabric in her hands. In a imperious and final tone, Lucrezia replied, [b]"It is what the Princess decided on. If you have enough of that cloth to finish your work, I have other things that need attending."[/b] With those words, Lucrezia left the room. After a few strides into the hall, when she was sure she was alone, her stern facade became rosy as she stifled a chuckle. The fabric the Princess had chosen [i]was[/i] terribly gaudy, and the mental image of a hero dressed in the vibrant yellow was more than a little entertaining. Wetting her lips lightly she rebuilt her composure and entered into the armory. [b]"Have the treasure swords been properly prepared?"[/b] she asked, casting her eyes between her most trusted maids, assigned the task of readying one of their nations dearest possessions for the coming heroes. In an air of silent reverence the lieutenant maids nodded gravely. With their affirmation, Lucrezia smiled a very different smile from the private one before; one of thin-lipped satisfaction. [b]"Good."[/b]