[i]"I think, therefore I am. I destroy, therefore I endure."[/i] [hider=No Strings On Me][youtube]Q4Ac-WCPWSQ[/youtube][/hider] Hannibal's entire body rumbled as more agents showed up. Normally he would use people, but he wasn't sure anyone in this room could be considered human anymore. His eyes scanned through them, each one of them moving in a different direction. He decided not to be rude to his fellow agent, his head turned on his neck to face Cheshire, who had said something about roasted cow heart. He didn't have the luxury to cook food as often, but his system was very capable of digesting food well beyond what the weak human stomach could handle. "Hm... I'll have to try that recipe. Normally I like them still beating, you cant get them more fresh than that. I understand your mentality blocks you from taking part in what every other species of animal is happy to take part in, but if you ever get over that, do try it. Human flesh tastes like pork. There was a time when I couldn't tell the difference between bacon of swine and bacon of my own kind." he said, his tongue flicking out and tasting the air. His head whipped around the other way just as the elevator came back up, and Ghost entered the building. Hannibal said nothing to this, his eyes going over the human for the time being, before validating that he wasn't an immediate threat to his well being and turning away to reply to Citrine. "Yes, being shot and torn apart like I've been would raise one to think I would be." Hannibal said, leaning towards the girl so his head hovered only a few inches next to his ear. "Tell me, Citrine, are you disappointed?" he said smiling to himself as he leaned back and away. He tuned into the conversation at hand, they were speaking about the kill switch protocol now. Hannibal, had he not kept his calm demeanor, probably would've smiled wide enough to make Chesire herself jealous. He listened into the conversation more, it was full of things that didn't apply to him, and he loved it. What he didn't love was that Alter had taken up Laxaris' scheme as his own. He looked directly into Alter's eyes as he began to speak. "Yes well, while you're on about that," Hannibal began. "What do you have to offer me?" he said, stepping forward and too the table, and grabbing a teacup and placing it on the table in front of him. He lifted one of his claws and dragged it across his forearm. His bright blue blood trailed down his arm and fell into the teacup. Within a few seconds, the wound had already began to close up, but the point was made. The bright fluorescent blue substance sat in the teacup, creating an eerie blue shine. "That is three molar hydrofluoric acid. The inside of my veins are coated with polymers that keep it from degrading my body from the inside. Anything caught up in the steam is eventually degraded." he said, holding his hands behind his back. "They attempted the KSP on me once. I'm still here because they stopped working. The collar was the only solution, but eventually my body grew to resist it's attempts to hinder me as well." he said, falling silent for a moment. "You want me and the rest of my family," he said, stepping to the side to motion to all the other meta humans who were still standing. "...to deliver you a weapon of which has a potential to malfunction and create and event horizon capable of decimating our entire world, and later our solar system and the nearby surrounding planetary systems before stabilization." he said. "So, you need this weapon, and you need us alive," he said, stopping just as Alter said something along the lines of upping odds, "Of which I concur, living will make things much less complicated, but it brings me to my next question," he said. His reptilian lips lifted, revealing his large teeth, an actual smile. An evil one, but it was real. "They struck bargains with me before the collapse to get me to do what they like. I lived like a king among the operatives. Luxury was mine in everything I did. I could've had fools kiss the ground I walked on if I wanted, and then had them for dinner that night." He said, stopping for a moment. "I am not bound by the same strings that the others are. You need this weapon. I need a reason to aid in delivering such a formidable weapon to your hands, and I'll consider what you have to say." he said. Personally he didn't think that any one man should have the power to control the world, and after how he acted with the phone, he wondered how he would act if even the slightest thing didn't go his way. "No more threats. No more protocols. No more operatives. Just you, and me in our sense of who has higher morality. Poetic isn't it, that I would be the one to ask?" his tongue flicked out of his mouth. "A government should fear it's people. If I am to take commands from you, I want to see how you react when you can no longer threaten me." he said, before he stepped back. He took a few seconds to stare at Alter for a moment, before he returned his attention back to Laxaris. "I'm sure there are others out there who have managed to escape your confines and didn't bother coming because of it. What happens then, should they try and oppose you? How will you threaten them?" he said. "I am not the only one. Consider this my gift to you, Laxaris. You'll need it."