Levina continued to fight, dancing in the blood that rained down as she continued her assault. There were casualties on both sides, but she didn't seem to mind that much. She was bred and born for the chaos of the fight. Her angelic lineage would explain her behavior well enough to anyone that actually knew about it. It wasn't something she shared with strangers, it was too strange to some. Some viewed her as an abomination. During combat, Levina made a small error, a miscalculation, a misstep... and it was taken advantage of. One of the demons that was guarding a greater demon spotted her and hurled a blast of hellfire at her. Levina did her best to dodge, but her wings only brought her so far... The fire singed through the right side of her cloak and burned the right portion of her stomach between her ribs and hip. Levi winced and let out a gasp of pain as she toppled backwards with the force of the blow. The demons would always have that advantage... magic. This was the very reason she sought a holy artifact. Levi had heard rumors of a blade that let you cast illusions and she lusted after it. With a weapon like that, silly errors like this could be avoided.