So, first off let me explain the "unique take" aspect of the title. The unique take is that instead of having us each control a character or multiple major characters, one of us shall be playing a singular character. This character will be the "main character" of the RP. Whether they're important to other stories or even the world itself is irrelevant. The "plot" of this RP is mainly a setting for which to establish the main character, and the RP is to chronicle their story. and no one elses. Think of it like Skyrim or something, very much like a videogame where the main character's action determines the story instead of just going through a set of pre-established plot points. Of course there is a major story line, but it's up to the main character whether they wish to tackle it or not. This is one role, the other role is that of the "GM." The GM, once the world is established, contrls the world, events, and basically everything around the main character. It's essentially going to work like this. The GM would present a situation with choices and actions, and depending on the choices annd/or actions taken byt he main character, the GM would then create a new path for the main character to travel. Again, it's pretty much like a video game type of setting. Hopefully the way I explained it made sense, but I'll try to put it down to a simpler format mainly so I cna summarize what I said without confusing myself. One person will control a "main character" that does stuff, the other will play the "GM" who controls the world itself, secondary characters, etc. One person presents a situation, the other reacts, and based on the reaction, the gm presents more situations and choices that would result from the initial situation and actions, and rinse and repeat. Anyways, I hope that makes sense. Now with that out of the way, let me move on to my two RP ideas. First idea, War Torn Fields: War Torn Fields is an RP loosely based in judeo-christian religion, using the setting of earth as a warzone for the forces of god and lucifer to do battle, however there isn't a black and white, good vs evil concept here. Lucifer, at least in this setting, isn't evil. Instead, Lucifer is one of the original fallen angels that rebelled against god for not being given a choice to willfully serve god, as the humans were given. With this, the first "great" war occurred, with obvious results. Now, Lucifer and God are once more at battle, but due to humans this time. Long story short, humans created a device that essentially recreated the "big bang" but instead of creating a second universe, they instead angered god and he was about to bring down his fury upon humanity for trying to commit god like acts, but Lucifer used this chance to open up a portal from hell to earth through the device (there's a reason I said "loosely" based on religion lol). So, now humans are caught in a war between God and the angels fighting Lucifer and his demons. It's basically a stalemate for some time, until both Lucifer and God realized they had access to another resource, humanity. Both sides began to take on human soldiers. Lucifer promised power to those that willingly joined, and forced others to join by capturing their families. God promised forgiveness for trying to create a another universe (act of god commited by known god like figures) and eternal paradise after death for those willingly joining, but just outright killed those that refused him. Both sides had appeal to many, so once again, there was a stalemate, until two knew soldiers were introduced, devil contractors and paladins. Devil contractors made deals with demonic spirits. In exchange for their soul (which as long as they didn't die were never in any danger as contractors were immortal to non-holy attacks) devil contractors would recieve immortality to non holy attacks, increased physical abilities, and the power to actually transform into a devil themself and access demonic abilities. Paladins were essentially the answer tot he devil contractors, as paladins were humans who truly fought for righteous causes whole heartedly, and given immunity to non-demonic attacks, immortality, and access to holy armor as well as a holy weapon known as an "avenger" which could take on any form from a sword to modern day weapons. Instead of creating a stalemate though, this has instead created a breach in the balance. Within either army, there are now power struggles between humans, contractors/paladins, and angels/demons within their respective ranks. Until the contractors/paladins came along, demons/angels were always greater than humans, but with humans having access to holy/unholy powers that rivaled their once superior allies, humans tried to take out contractors/paladins in hope to gain their power, the empowered humans tried to slay angels and demons to become higher ranked within their armies, and the angels and demons now have to contend with 'mortals' for what they thought belonged only to them. While the war continues, this in fighting among either side is allowing a third faction, a faction comprised of angels, humans, and demons to rise in power, and hopefully over take both armies to free earth from this war and finally create an unrivaled peace for all beings involved. Where does the lead come in? Well, the main plot would be to find the third faction, work with them, yada yada yada, save the world. But of course, since this is an open ended story, depending on who the main character is, this could merely be a story about a human seeking power within either army, or something else. I want to let the freedom to choose your own path be a prevalent theme in this RP. Second idea, MMO based RP. So I love series like .hack//, TOME, and other such VR MMORPG type settings, but I don't want to do a plot where some virus starts attacking people in the real world through the game, or people get stuck in the game. Can't we just have a fun videogame RP that's about the GAME, at least at the start. Of course we can introduce more serious plot elements as the story progresses, but I would love to just run an RP that is all fun an games (pun intended) for a little while at least. Anyways, if you're interested either post any interest/questions you might have here, or send me a PM if you just want to start working details out with me.