[quote=mpjama2] Name: Lord Robert GreenClass: NobleStats: Assets(start with 5) Power(0) Production(5) Influence (4) Charm( 2)Class Notes: Robert Green is a captain of industry, and [/quote] I would have liked to see another knight or sorcerer but your character is fine. I like your characters motivation (redemption fits nice with Our Dark Stars theme) He suddenly has a change of heart about how he treats the average citizen-getting older and all that, but something big must have happened for him to change policy on his attitude towards the worker. How does this affect his company? Does he pay workers better than your average corp? Do they love him for it or distrust his intent after living a life of disinterest in the plight of the common man? Also you need to write a favor, thats a class feature of the nobility. Zamiel you can add orders this turn if you want. MPjama2 finish up your character sheet and you can send orders this turn too.