[quote=Damiann47] Its pretty clear that the colors have more meaning then just a way to categorize the teams, or well now it does since the color change was an accident eh? [/quote] Haha quite true! Might end up being a happy accident, in which case it's something else to play with. Hmmmmmm.... [quote=drewccapp] Funnily enough when I first read that I thought that it had briefly turned red (accursed speed reading) before turning back blue... but I'm definitely cool with rolling with it.(not that Anise is paying any attention to Arin or the lantern right now) [/quote] Ah yeah, the original plan was to simply turn it a darker shade for a moment, so you read it the way it was originally intended. Back when I forgot what color the lantern was. x3 Edit: I'm going to bed! If anyone finds any more of my mistakes, feel free to call them out IC, as always. Your character is completely free to point out that something makes no sense whatsoever, and I'll just have to incorporate an explanation later. ;)