Even from a distance the bass beat of the music was audible. Though it was nigh impossible to differentiate which beat went to which club. Ze Lei-Ne twirled her pink umbrella. It wasn't supposed to rain anymore, which was good, because it was of a fashion accessory than a real umbrella. Mainly since it wasn't made of water proof fabric and had lace making over half of it. Lei-Na tilted her head back for the brief moment and watched the echoes of the neon lights through her thin umbrella. A smile stretched her neon pink lips. Lei-Ne was color coordinated. Today her medium length white hair had pink and yellow added in different spots and layers. Her almond shaped eyes were ringed by brown and blue eye-shadow, contrasting against an artificially pale face to make her eyes pop. Her dress, if such a thing could be called that, was short, barely covering her bottom, tight, revealing and very pink. Only her worn jacket flung over her shoulders warded off the evening chill. Lei-Ne couldn't watch the lights for long, having to turn her attention back to where she was going. For there were various things she had to look out for. Being five foot five, seven with her two inch combat boots on, and skinny seemed to mark her as an easy target. A knife in the face dissuaded all but the more addled drug addicts. But having fended them off her entire life, it never really bothered her. She was capable of self-defense, even of the deadly kind. However, Lei-Ne wasn't a stranger to these parts, having been down here often for both work and pleasure. Most people know to leave her alone. Lei-Ne finally paused in front of a run down building. The neon sign that flickered in and out of life, gave away Leverage. She had gotten the message to be here this morning. Work. It never ended. Even though it kept her off the streets she had been born on. The slender Asian woman sashayed over to the doorman. She blinked her rhinestone decorated eyelashes and smiled. "Hey." Lei-Na made sure her voice was low and sultry as she spoke. "Still room for me?" She winked. When the doorman returned her smile, after gazing elsewhere of course, Lei-Ne allowed herself to feel pride. "There's always room for ladies." The doorman said, gaze flicking back down. Lei-Ne let out a laugh, surprising the doorman a little. "I've never been a lady." She told him before she stepped forward then paused. "Do you have a message for me darling? Lei-Ne?" The doorman blinked once, thinking, then checked his wireless (Probably). Then he nodded. "Yes, you'll need to go to the back, there'll be a door, go through it." "Thanks." She had to stand on her toes, even in her tall shoes, to give the guy a kiss. Happily, Lei-Ne slipped past into the club, closing her umbrella as she went. She did look back over her shoulder to see him give her even more of an appraising look. Lei-Ne's smile got wider. Inside the club was a press of bodies. The music was deafening. The bass was so deep that it echoed in Lei-Ne's chest, like a second heart beating to the rhythm of the music. The Asian scanned everyone near her before moving forward into the press. Which meant she had to dance through the flow of the people. Soon enough Lei-Ne exited the press of the people. She twirled her umbrella and landed it on her shoulder. She winked at a troll who was watching. Said troll lifted his glass and gave her a come hither look. Lei-Ne smiled and shook her head with an apologetic look. [i]Sorry[/i] she mouthed. The troll shrugged and looked away. Lei-Ne went back to looking for the door. Her black eyes fluttered over the wall before she saw it. Ah-ha. There it was. She skipped over to the door and pulled it open.