[quote=tobiax] With how small Baby and In-Training Digimon are, they can always be carried. And you can go ahead and call him whichever you choose. Might I suggest we decide Choromon is pronounced Cho-row-mon? And what are some things you'd enjoy? And yes, MetalKoromon/Choromon can have Mechanical Levitation no problem. And Preferences for Rookie, or Champion, or other later forms?That's doable. Tyrannomon's a bit of a favorite of mine, seeing as I'd get him a lot in Digimon World, completely by accident. Anyway, do you know about Rust Tryannomon? Or do you have other preferences for later forms. As it stands, we have a bit of a high density in the Metal Empire department, with two out of five. Not that I mind, and as long as you two play differently, we'll be fine. It'd make DNA Digivolving those two easier though, haha, but not as cool maybe.Ah, I see. Aquilamon's pretty Bamfy. Perhaps make the human a Foil to the Digimon? [/quote] Metal Empire might be a bit full at the moment, but with the ability to add new Families and all the possible Digivolution choices I think we should still be able to make a diverse party. That said for Rookie I´m considering either Solarmon or one of the PawnChessmons. While for champion Lobomon would be an excellent choice in my opinion.