[center][B][U]Arkaeis Zraimat[/U][/B][/center] [center][img]http://oi46.tinypic.com/291z79l.jpg[/img][/center] Having traveled all the way from his home on Midnight Island and across the length of Eania on his way to his destination in the last few months, Arkaeis began to find himself growing used to the once [I]new[/I] world around him. His eyes no longer lit up with fascination when he saw a new species of plant or animal, not in the same way at least. He was simply itching to get his hands on a book, specifically one detailing the intricacies of Chantment. Luckily he'd past through A thinner portion of Darnan forest just a day or so ago and had almost arrived. In fact the College was in the distance and a small smile was forming on his face as he noted this. Just this morning he had crossed the river which passed through the Lake of Cheer. The place was not all that unique...or cheerful, though he had been pleased with the freshwater supply, his canteen had been running low. It really didn't matter much, he could have tricked a group of peasants into helping him, or threatened them. Whatever was most effective and appropriate really. Nonetheless there had been no need as but several minutes away was his destination, the great Twilight College, the most esteemed school of magic in all of Tiien...or so he'd heard. Walking down the hill that he'd briefly looked down at the College from, Arkaeis retrieved a small red fruit from his pack. It was long and cylindrical with deep grooves and an oddly angular design to it. Apparently it looked a lot like what the humans called [I]peppers[/I] something he was not familiar with at all. Afterall a pepper was apparently some kind of vegetable, whereas what he held was certainly a fruit. Crushing it slightly in his hand and then extending a claw to poke a hole in the top, Arkaeis brought the plant to his mouth and lifted his head, drinking the juice and pulp inside. It was slightly sour, but also had a certain sweet tang to it. He loved them, and this was one of the few remaining specimen he had brought with him. It was sad, but nonetheless he would live. Luckily, many of the animals that lived in his homeland also dwelled on the mainland. It was a useful coincidence, if it was a coincidence at all. Unsheathing his a claw once more, Arkaeis drew straight lines across the four sides of the fruit so that they connected with the small hole he'd poked just moments ago. The fruit easily fell open and he scrapped off the inner flesh with ease, devouring it quickly afterwards. Sadly, the Rahsae fruit was only a snack, his actual meal would have to happen later. Thus he stored the fruit's remains for later, knowing that it possessed a double lining, between which was a dangerous poison. He could use it for hunting later, he had a stockpile of such now that he'd eaten so many of Rahsae. With his stomach sated for the moment, the Reven turned his mind to other matters. He wondered if any of the teachers would be interesting, and if any of his [I]fellow[/I] students would hold any unique promise of their own. It was not so much their magic he was wondering about, but rather their usefulness to him in addition to whether or not any of them had unique outlooks which might interest him. So far he'd been rather unimpressed by the foreigners he'd come across. They all seemed rather dull in his opinion, or perhaps he was just too used to the sharp minds and quick wits of his people. Sighing, the Reven's hand drifted to the Traveler's blade, disguised as a walking stick, which at the moment was fastened upon his back. Pulling it from its harness, he looked it over, the elegant ironwood seamlessly concealing the object's true nature--it made him smile. Pleased by the wondrous craftsmanship of the weapon and tool, his fingers curled around the sheath, just below the false branches of its hilt, as he used it as a walking stick. The more others saw him use it in this manner, the less likely they were to suspect anything till he was forced to draw the blade. [I]All the better[/I], he thought as he sped up his pace, cloak hiding his nonhuman traits rather well. He had been masquerading as a human for quite awhile now, and while it had not been an entirely flawless performance due to his lack of certain information, it had still managed to fool the majority of people he'd come across. It pleased him that his acting was skillful enough to fool so many, it was a testament to the skills he'd learned as a member of the Zraimat family and he knew that had his kin heard the tale, it would have done them proud. His feet stepping suddenly onto stone, the Reven grimaced at the cold feel of the rock before exhaling sharply and shrugging the sensation off. Gradually it faded from his awareness, no longer relevant, though it was making his feet slightly colder. Looking forwards once again, Arkaeis noted his progress and smiled, he was practically at the College's doorstep, and soon he'd begin his studies. He had every intention to surpass anyone's expectations of him, and it was likely that he would. However, here he knew that his true heritage would not be a secret for long. He hardly cared, though he knew it would either draw undue attention, or make him a social pariah, neither of which he preferred really. Then again, both held each their own uses and if he was forced into either situation he would make the best of it. So, with that thought in mind, Arkaeis walked towards the gate, noting the guards. He had thought the College open to all, but he did not mind if they felt the need to screen their future students first. He knew it would go smoothly, afterall, he was an ambassador, or at least that was the mainland's equivalent of his family's purpose. Thus he approached them and spoke, his voice clear and charming, [B]"I wish to continue through here to the College, would you be so kind as to allow my entry?"[/B] While he held the Traveler's blade--still sheathed--as a walking stick, Arkaeis' tone, mannerisms, and body language revealed no hostility whatsoever. He seemed nothing, but a pleasant, and innocent, student wishing entry. While this was essentially the case, the [I]man[/I] was far more than just that. He was a Reven, and a Zraimat at that, thus making him an esteemed member of the Rheven-ari and one of the few to leave their home in at least a decade--he'd checked the records. He wondered how the guards would've reacted had they known and understood such implications. While he entertained the idea, he did not bring it to reality, for it did not belong there. Not yet anyways...perhaps another day. Yes, for he'd have plenty of time to [I]test[/I] this College's inhabitants...plenty of time indeed.