[b]Name:[/b] Hitomi Kuwahara [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Magical girl form][img]http://i.imgur.com/8YoWteP.png[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Hitomi is rebellious by nature and a bit of a tomboy. There isn't a school rule she hasn't broken nor a subject that she hasn't failed. Hitomi isn't very concerned with her grades, she's happy as long as she passes the class at the end of the year. Despite the nagging of her parents and elder siblings, she would rather spend time at the closest arcade or at the park, than be stuck indoors with her textbooks. She usually does not get along with authority figures and adults in general but has no trouble befriending most teenagers her age. She is not judgmental in the least; and tries to befriend all sorts of people regardless of their nature or interests. However, she doesn't like it when her peers start nagging about her grades because it usually leads to arguments. Hitomi has a fiery temper and when enraged she often says things she regrets later. Also, she isn't the most sophisticated person around; so her manners can be a bit crude at times. [b]History[/b]: Hitomi comes from an average family, her father is a typical salary man and her mother is a housewife. She has two elder sisters, both of which have perfect grades and find Hitomi's grades embarrassing.Naturally, the sisters therefore often have fights over her grades. Her parents don't feel the need to scold Hitomi every now and then, seeing how the elder sisters fulfill that role literally every day. Hitomi is given a monthly allowance but it gets squandered over candies and games within a week , after which Hitomi often resorts to borrowing money from her friends. [b]Powers:[/b] The power to make inanimate objects float on command.