Name: Katsumi Ichimonji Age: 15 Appearance: [url=]"J-just a second..."[/url] She's about 5'1" and usually ties her hair in twintails. As for her magical girl outfit, [url=] the one on the left, basically.[/url] Personality: Katsumi can be somewhat shy and awkward in most social situations, with a tendency to come up with the perfect response to something...about 5 minutes after it was said. However, if she feels comfortable around someone or the subject turns to something she likes, she becomes more cheerful and energetic. She can be surprisingly hammy in the rare situations she thinks it's appropriate. She is a fan of an assortment of manga and anime, ranging from slice of life comedy to shonen action to psychological horror, as well as assorted tokusatsu series of varying degrees of cheesiness. History: Katsumi's past has never been particularly interesting. Her parents have a loving marriage, her little brother is alive and well (and a bit of a brat) and she's lived in the same house since she was born. Perhaps the most impressive thing is her consistently above average grades despite studying being a lower priority than anime and video games in her mind. In the past year, her mother decided she's old enough to not need an allowance any more, leading to Katsumi getting a part time job as a waitress at the Ichigo Café. Powers: (?)