Walking through the neon lit street Thomas's beige overcoat changed color continuously as he passed several clubs and bars. This wasn't really the area he would usually hang out, not without a good reason at least. But the reason was good. The reason he walked past these clubs and bars was money and money was as good as it gets. Thomas, who went by the handle Quicksilver because of his 'work' outfit, was no stranger to backroom deals and illegal activities. He had done this before and he probably would do this again, and again until time caught up with him. The place he had to go was called Leverage, a club that was doing well for some reason. Quicksilver would probably never find out why, not that he cared. He had been there once or twice before, also for jobs. He was pretty sure he killed a woman there once... Once the neon lights became less and less prominent Leverage came in sight, the noise gave it away as well though. Some Ork was posted as doorman, hopefully the greenskin was informed of Thomas’s little visit. He walked straight up to the Ork, “Quicksilver”. After the short conversation that ensued the street samurai got the information he needed. Once he entered the club he immediately knew why he preferred bars to clubs, the noise was irritating. The samurai instantly regretted not getting his ears augmented, that would certainly help in this environment. The club was packed, mostly with youths. Thomas maneuvered his way to the bar with help of his muscle replacements, that certainly made the job easier. He was on his toes, he didn’t want to attract too much attention. Luckily, that wasn’t really a problem. Most people here were way too busy with themselves to even notice a couple of shadowrunners doing business here, although most of the people probably knew that it happened. Thomas made his way to the bar, ordered a beverage and lightly brushed his pistol as he paid the bartender. The muscle walked to the door that was designated by the Ork and followed a rather small girl in. Thomas nodded at the man he assumed to be Opti and took a seat.