[list] [*]Name: Keiji Hoshino[/*] [*]Age: 53[/*] [*]Appearance: http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=506930[/*] [*]Personality: Keiji is a calm, caring grandfather. Well, when he's not putting his granddaughter through a training regimen composed of "feeding kitties while balancing a bucket of water on your head," "get a feather from that bird," and "catch that fish without a rod or net." Granted, the "kitties" in question are tiger cubs, the "bird" in question is a skittish parrot, and the "fish" is a barracuda, but he knows his granddaughter can handle it. She's HIS granddaughter, after all. Besides- he's made sure they won't actually HURT her. He just wants to make sure she grows up able to protect herself from whatever life throws her way. Oddly, he seems genuinely uneasy about the monsters.[/*] [*]History: Keiji runs his family's ancestral dojo, having inherited the position from his father after he retired and moved to Okinawa. Keiji's family says he was involved in law enforcement, but Kitashirakawa's police department doesn't have any record of his service. They DO, however, say that he's helped with several investigations as an expert witness on animal welfare, and have designated his dojo an animal sanctuary. Exotic animals often end up there when zoos don't have the means to care for them.[/*] [*]Powers: He's an experienced martial artist, and knows how to create incredibly grueling training regimens from everyday tasks. He also has a surprising affinity for animals.[/*] [/list] And now the question I should have probably asked... who wants a martial artist grandpa?