Yahtzee's eyes darted around to everyone trying to keep up with what was going on the battle but it was hard to make anything out through the wall of water that Wil had created and he gave up after a few moments. It seemed for a moment though that Sig's tortoise was joining the fray but he dismissed the idea and turned his thoughts away from him. He heard Wil and turned to face him looking at the water that was forming into a ball nearby and he clenched his hand into a fist as Salamander held him above his target. "You ready bud?" He asked him and he got a small growl in response form his dragon, "Good enough. I'll take it." He grinned and for a moment he hung in the air waiting for the right moment. Once he saw that Wil had finished and that everything was in the position he made his move. "Now Salamander." He roared as the dragon soared down and let go of Yahtzee. In midfall Yahtzee tensed and exploded in flame as he slammed into the ball of water. For one moment he thought he had miscalculated and he wasn't hot enough and he focused his energy roaring silently and he could see bubbles as the water reached boiling and exploded into a huge wave of steam that rapidly filled the room and covered them from view. Despite the lack of easy vision Salamnader still found him and maintained his position as winged rucksack. "I rate we've done enough for now." Yahtzee said as he took a step forward. Without warning his leg gave out on him and he fell to one knee. At first he wasn't sure what to do other than frown in cofusion at his own inability to get up then a wave of exhaustion flooded over him and he could barely keept his eyes open. He was still knew to his element and had never actually had to burn that hot before. His life had been pretty peacful compared to all of the people around him and using this much energy all at once was draining. Salamnder shuffled off his back and started shimming under his hand trying to drag him along but Yahtzee couldn't even form a tight enough grip. "I-" He gasped in a lungful of air. "I need help!" He shouted much to the dismay of his pride.