Hello there, I am coolcat. I haven't been on here in quite a while, but I decided to put myself out here again. What I am looking for is someone who is male, or is willing to play a male for me. Also, somebody who is willing to RP over email. I am not opposed to doubling, though. I want romance in my role plays, although I do prefer fading to black. If that is a problem, I am willing to try playing through the scene. (: I am currently 19, so someone who is around my age would be great. You can swear as much as you want, as long as it isn't too excessive. I tend to write around one to two paragraphs per post, my intro being slightly larger, most of the time. I love writing, and I am hoping to become better at it. I'm not a Grammar Nazi, but please know how to use punctuation correctly, capitalization correctly, and spell check. I understand the occasional typo, but please do not make a habit out of it!! As for what I do, I highly enjoy doing teen romance, although I'm up for anything modern and realistic. I'm willing to try vampires and the like, but I just prefer modern. I am really craving a teen pregnancy, where I am the female who gets pregnant. Anyways, you really just have to suggest! (: All normal rules apply, no god modding, no one liners, you know the deal. If you are interested, please email me at kittensroxz@yahoo.com. I will rarely check this thread, so please don't post here unless you want me to take forever to get back to you. Thank you for reading!