[b]~1857~[/b] [center]Everything is merely an illusion.[/center] [center]I am. You are.[/center] [center]We were all made for the entertainment of one man. [/center] [center]The Game Master, The creator of these said illusions.[/center] [center]As His servants in this illusionary world, we must carry out His plans without question, for He may dispel us.[/center] [center]We call our religion "The Game"[/center] [center]Those who please Him the most, and those He trusts, He gives the most honored place in our Game.[/center] [center]The Deck of Fifty-Two.[/center] [center]Fifty-Two of the best men and women, separated into four different suits.[/center] [center]The Diamonds, Those tied to Royalty, or in Politics.[/center] [center]The Clubs, Those who are the Strongest.[/center] [center]The Hearts, Those who use their minds and are tricky.[/center] [center]and The Spades, Those tied to the Work Force.[/center] [center]For what is a Game, without it's Cards?[/center] [hider=CS] Image: (anime works.) Name:/ Age: Gender: Suit: Card: Personality: Biography: Why you are part of The Game: How did you ascend to the position you are in now: [/hider] [hider=Spots] [u]Hearts[/u] Ace King Queen Jack Ten Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two [u]Diamonds[/u] Ace King Queen Jack Ten Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two [u]Clubs[/u] Ace King Queen Jack Ten Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two [u]Spades[/u] Ace King Queen Jack Ten Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two [/hider] This is a supplement to [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/67572/posts/ooc]A Murderer's Game.[/url]