Your pacing is fine, especially regarding how busy we both are. I'm just happy we're posting :D By the way, I am greatly enjoying the RP so far! Love your writing, and Chamera and Pan are interesting together. No worries about the half-formed ideas thing. I do that a lot; gives us a chance to iron out together material that works for the RP :) Yay for surviving midterms. It's only half over, hehe... and that's a cool coincidence with your costume! :D I dressed up as... me for Halloween, lol. I love the holiday, I just lack the motivation to dress up. Yes, I'm lame. Go me :p Good luck on getting the job!! I love your confidence :) Me, I'd be like, "Eh, I don't know, waaaah!" and then be pleasantly "surprised" when I get the job or still disappointed when I don't. I do things very confidently, but I don't think confidently. It's weird. What are you studying/what is your major? (Apologies if you've stated this before... my mind is kinda hectic right now as I prepare for a stressful weekend of working an extra day at work, possibly buying a new car because my current one broke down, and somehow spitting out a 9-page analytical paper in between all the crazy... gah!) I used to be an English major, but I learned that my work schedule would never allow me to take the creative writing classes I so desperately crave, so I decided that if I wasn't going to do that, I might as well do something practical. Now I'm technical communications. Far less interesting, but I gotta pay the bills somehow, and a nifty degree under my belt would help immensely.