[i]"Sayonara Chill Brain!"[/i] Cora watched with an exasperated stare as Sig disappeared into the earth. [b]"You... Asshole..."[/b] What the hell were they suppose to do now? Earth was perfect defense against bullets! Concrete, no less. She felt more ashamed than betrayed. How cowardly he was. Will's dome of water gave her enough time to concoct a quick offense in her hands. As the turtle stomped down on the pillars, Cora pulled the figurative pin of her pearlescent grenade. She leapt up, shooting it through the curtain of water where it landed on the balcony, immediately exploding into translucent, shimmering urchin shapes that spread out several meters. The ice mercilessly ate up anything in its path, the cries of men drowned out by the splinters of wood and ice. Cora didn't spare it a second glance, watching as Yahtzee created their cover. It was almost frightening, being so close. His flames made breathing unbearable, and as the steam rushed out, it burned her skin. She was far too close. [i]Holy shit, that's hot![/i] Cora ducked back, almost falling into the hard-light Phil created. Her skin glittered furiously in a coating of frost to counter-measure the sudden heat.  The cover was nonetheless effective. [b]"Let's get the hell outta here."[/b] Cora briefly grinned, searching the steam for any indication of the way out. However, the cover was as effective to their assailants as it was to them, and Cora found it hard to see even her teammates.  [i]"I need help!"[/i] A clear, distinctive voice cried out behind her, a little closer to the floor. [b]"Yahtzee?"[/b] Cora wheeled around, creeping forward a few steps in the thick cloud. It wouldn't do to accidentally trod on anyone, not when their next moments were critical.  A bit of steam blew to the side, revealing the young Hygron half-collapsed. The steam stunt must have drained him if he couldn't move. Cora fell to his side, quickly draping one of his arms around her shoulders. The steam was beginning to thin, and more men seemed to be raiding to the cause of catching them. She could hear orders being shouted. The Elementals had maybe 45 seconds before they would strike again. Well, give or take. [i]How can I possibly get us all out of here?[/i] The chocolate-haired girl glanced about desperately, feeling their options slipping away with every second.  Salamander circled her feet, flicking his tongue in annoyance. Oh, of course! Why hadn't she thought of it sooner? [b]"Yahtzee, brace yourself."[/b] She stood with a grunt, bringing him up with her. Her tattered shoe tapped the concrete, and a great flurry of ice threaded together along the warehouse floor. It streatched and heaved up, smashing a hole in the wall. The ice broke out, slithering on the ground. Its tip remained fixated under Cora's shoe, and she proudly beheld their speed strip getaway. The ice flowed and churned like water, folding under itself in constant cycling so there was always a forward flow along the topside.  [b]"It's called the Dragon's Tongue. Hop on."[/b] Cora grinned, literally throwing Yahtzee onto the living ice. His landing was made soft as the tongue embraced his weight, quickly carrying him off. [i]25 seconds...[/i] Cora frowned, clearing the air around her with a cold breath. Crates and figures in the steam became clearer, and Cora tossed some supplies onto the tongue. She had no idea if the professionals had breached the steam, searching for them in the zero-vision cover. Still, she had to call out.  [b]"The exit's this way! We gotta go. Now!"[/b] She yelled to all parties. So, it wasn't surprising when a metal canister rolled to her feet. She barely scrambled back before the flash bang exploded in an onslaught of sight and sound. Cora took the full brunt of it, unprepared for a weapon so uncommon. She wearily pulled her head off the warehouse floor, a terrible ringing in her ears. She was temporally deaf, her vision played double, sometimes triple.  The Dragon's Tongue was no where to be seen, disintegrated from her lack of control. Yahtzee and the supplies only reached so far before the ride stopped. She was dismayed her rescue attempt didn't get him out of the building, just metres short of freedom. Cora furiously shook her head, trying to get back her senses. Figures slowly approached her in the steam, but she had no idea if they were friendly or not. If history was any indicator, these shadows probably weren't. Cora stiffened, coiling to spring from the ground. [i]Irys, is everyone out yet?[/i]