[b]Realm of Manram, North District[/b] Many hours had passed since the duo had met one of the Order of Truth overseers walking along the wall opposite to their path, and it had also been many hours since they had thought about why they had spotted an overseer who didn't follow his own order regulations. The two of them had simply concluded, that with the arrival to the gates of Enoch, the overseer had simply ventured to take care of the body of a man who fell victim to the beasts of the winter. However the curiousity they had felt then began to bite once more at them within the large dining halls of the shudid inside the Walls of Enoch, in fact, the Walls of Manram were massive fortresses in and of theirselves. the four wall segments of Manram were all like that, with the Walls of Enoch being the strongest of the bunch, as well as facing the North.There was also the Walls of Equox, Malidon, and finally Equest. ''Sure is nice to eat some Juldir [famous holiday dish] once in a while, you just don't get bored with the taste!'' At one of the many tables of the dining hall was the duo, a pair of patrol soldiers deployed to the wall for their first assignment, not only that but they're also being trained by overseers from one of the Orders, their arrival will be in one month, after all the orders were busy with their practices. ''I can't agree more bilq, it's simply too delicious! The cooks did good today!'' ''I heard that one of the nearby village cooks came over to supply us with the needed goods to make the Juldir..'' He said with another spoon approaching his mouth cautiously, yet with incredibly haste and desire. ''If you find that cook, then tell him that I'll give him my zalzabar! [Militarily Religious object, A knife]'' He said, taking it up from it's sheath and displaying it for his friend. ''Now, now, you don't want anyone to hear you say that..'' ''Bliq, I couldn't agree more!'' He said with a growing grin, however at the sound of approaching footsteps he quickly sheathed the blade and looked behind him. What he was met by was the appearance of a man, no, rather a Giant covered in inscribings of both color and scars made in a seemingly religious fashion, he was brought out of this fasination by his partner. ''Halq [A word used to grab attention], the hell are you doing glaring at a weaponsbearer?!'' Just as he was brought back, he was met with the returning glare of the weaponsbearer, his size and body structure made it seem like it was the same overseer that they met on their patrol route. ''Hey... What's with those body paintings, and what the hell were those weird scars..?'' As he turned back from the piercing glare of a hulk, he waited for a few minutes before he opened his mouth more, he had always thought that even members of the Order were human beneath their great shells of iron, but this revelation made him question his previous resolve. Sure, what he had seen looked like a man, but the eyes of such a behemoth were not that of a human. ''Those were Morm, [body paintings in conjuncture to the Order of Truth] they are deeply spiritualistic and pseudo religious in nature. They are said to be what binds the truth..'' ''Truth, what truth?'' As this question was asked his partner and friend took on a quite nervous face, however in the end he spilled out all that he knew to his friend. ''Look, I didn't tell you this but... The truth, or otherwise known as lop'qol, is the rejection of evil..'' His face became wary, and he looked both left and right, behind and before him as he spoke, incredibly cautious about anyone who might be listening, he observed the overseer as he sat down by himself as he ate. ''That doesn't sound to ba-'' ''This is accomplished through the integration and assimilation of evil.'' Silence consumed them as they each took another spoon of Jublir and feasted on the wonderful taste in silence, however his friends weariness didn't ever faulter. ''It's said that their new recruits are put through a ritual which relates to ancient beliefs, and through this they are possesed by a demon, they then are forced to assimilate it, and it is through this that they gain their power...'' He returned to his silence, and his friend wanted to speak out, however he was left voiceless by what he'd heard. ''Isn't it strange that the strongest military asset the Gu-shedal holds is the Order of Truth, yet he limits them to the incredible secluded and religiously righteous monasteries of his nation? Did you hear of the Mal'faqdi?'' [Church/monastery incident] Their whispering was slowly becoming more and more inaudible, and his friend had to focus in order to hear it all with understanding. ''A long time ago in Murl-biq [A village in the Northern District] there was a deeply devote man to the ways of Balhabat, [native northern religion] he went to the designated monastery every night and day so that he may appease the Gods proper, but one day he was met with a stranger, one clad in the heaviest armor he'd seen through the days of his life, and suddenly this hulk turned towards him, on the helmet was the Galgubar cross that you can find on all weaponbearers. The man was caught by surprise and let out a feint scream, however the hulk would not respond kindly and bursted after the man. You can imagine how it ended, and let me tell you this, it ended just like you imagined.'' With a slight sip of his habaq [soft alcohol in the military] and another spoon of his jublir, he was left with many questions, and as he turned to the overseer in the far reaches of the room, he was bemet by simply more questions. He did not believe in demons or spirits, but he had seen what men can do, and how would the Order of Truth create such a thing, and then force a man to live his life in the same body as such a beast.. Surely they'd lose their humanity, and it was then that he was bemet once again by the face of the overseer, as he was staring back into the eyes of his own. ''I lost my appetite...''