Complete. Please let me know if it needs any edits. Name: Kika Akane Age: 15 Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Kika claims to be "as boring as humanly possible." She isn't normally much for socializing, though it isn't because she's shy. Rather, she is a very avid gamer, and lives a bit more in her various virtual worlds or in her own head than outside of them. She keeps fairly good, though not particularly remarkable, grades in school to keep her parents from taking away her games (though she will score higher if promised a new one or a new system), and she would rather go home to play online than join clubs after school. She is normally very honest and loyal to friends, but seems to see the rest of the world as an RPG of sorts. History: Kika's life has been pretty normal since...forever. She lives with her parents and her older brother, a photographer who she often depends on to keep her parents attention so they don't ask about her social habits. The two actually have a pretty good relationship, though. Her parents were often busy, but not so much that they could never see their children, and have always been pretty caring towards them. In her normal life, every day has been pretty much the same for a long time: Get up, go to school, go home, gaming, studying, dinner, more gaming, then bedtime. The appearance of the monsters struck her as strange when it started, and she actually is somewhat interested by them, but not enough to keep her from getting to the early release of the newest fighting game. Recently she has actually discovered a great interest in music, and has even started learning to play the electric bass in the hopes of someday becoming a musician. For some reason, though, she hasn't even told her parents about this. Powers: (?)