It was only due to Bolin’s quick intervening that Mako and Korra both had ceased their conversation, addressing both of them equally and doing his best not to take sides in this matter. It made Korra rethink her attitude; Mako was right, just as Bolin was, in trying to get her away from the issue with Tenzin. It wasn’t comfortable, but who she was meant more than how she felt. Not every duty as the Avatar and even a teenage girl was going to be comfortable, but whatever insecurity she might have felt in the presence of Tenzin was paling in comparison to how the elder airbender must have felt knowing there was so little he could actually do about his families health. Cooking and cleaning were tasks Bolin and herself had been sparing him from to stay close to the family, but if there was any way of helping save his family from whatever was causing them so much grief, she wanted to help be the one to find it. Mako himself agreed with Bolin on Korra’s feelings, understanding the situation she was in but believing that staying there and stressing about it wasn’t going to help anyone, least of all Tenzin. Korra and Mako exchanged glances at one another, both appearing very apologetic, and brought focus on Bolin’s enthusiastic recollection of the old days with Team Avatar. [b]“It does sound nice.”[/b] Korra mentioned, to help ensure everyone she was prepared to calm down and think this over, this time much less aggressively. Mako didn’t deserve to be lashed out at, it would only serve to put her back on restoring the bonds between her friends. Bolin was showing a level of maturity about this that Korra didn’t expect, taking charge of a situation he’d normally be the first one to back out in. Heck, Asami of all people might have been the first to intervene in the past. Through her very eyes Bolin was really growing up into something amazing, but she wasn’t sure how to define him differently. Looking stronger and more assertive, there was still that humorous Bolin deep down. That made Korra smile a little, until he had brought Asami and Mako into a huddle. Staring at them with curiosity and minor annoyance at how she was left out, Korra placed her hands on her hips and looked to Naga. Her oldest companion licked her chops and was beginning to get a little restless. [b]“Don’t worry, you’ll get to eat soon.”[/b] She muttered, patting her on the head. [b]“I know, I know.”[/b] Mako whispered back to Bolin, not out of annoyance, but out of full understanding for what Korra might have been going through. His little brother would know more than he himself would about the full specifics of the situation back at home, and there was no reason not to take his word for it. It was quite obvious everyone here was in agreement about her coming along, but only if she was willing to. Pressure was the last thing she needed. With Bolin mentioning Lin’s departure, Mako wished he had mentioned that sooner. The Chief was a tough woman but he could have sworn he saw some signs of distraction throughout the day, evident by people needing to repeat themselves. If Lin was focused on something other than the job, then you knew something serious was going on. [b]“…” [/b]Korra had managed to forget Lin was a friend of the family too, but it still felt very long to just leave and have fun while this was happening. What if something bad happened and she could help? Lin was a strong woman and one of the greatest earth benders she had ever known, but there were some things she couldn’t do herself. Asami seemed to understand and had made an approach, surprising Korra with a hug. Returning it in appreciation, Korra nodded in agreement to those terms and without words had wished everyone a farewell. Giving a nod of the head to Mako, and then to Bolin, Korra had watched as her friends had gone off to have fun she didn’t believe she could afford at the time. Mounting Naga once again, Korra had begun to race towards Air Temple Island to do what she could. The ride back to Asami’s was quiet and the time was spent in deep thought for Mako; things might have been easier to discuss if Korra was here but for now they would need to make due. Arriving and stepping out with the others, the topic of this sickness was heavy on his mind now and there was no use keeping his thoughts to himself. [b]“I can’t be the only one who finds it a little weird, right?”[/b] Mako began, hoping to get the attention of the pair as they entered Asami’s home. Having spent enough time in silence, it was better to brainstorm with them than just stand around in thought. They were here to back him up as much as he was going to back them up, and bouncing ideas across them could help Korra more than just wishing she was there. By the time she did come around, if she did come around that is, they might have something to talk to her about. [b]“Republic City is in bad shape, and I know the Chief is doing her best to help keep the peace, but I’ve heard some things. What’s happening to Tenzin’s family isn’t isolated to just him, there are a couple others showing the same symptoms and I can’t help but think that maybe this might be Amon’s endgame.”[/b] Amon had failed to destroy Korra’s ability to bend and not only were most, if not all, of his followers put away but he had been shown to be a fraud the last time anyone had seen him. The make-up on his face to simulate that ‘scarring’ was just a lie, and he had made a hasty retreat. [b]“Call me crazy, but what if he made some kind of disease or a virus to wipe out benders? Lin can’t do this by herself, I think we should find her tomorrow and ask her to let us in on everything. We've proven ourselves before, she can’t deny we’d be useful in the investigation.”[/b] ~-~ Lin’s explanation had brought a disgusting sense of happiness to him, something that he was growing incredibly ashamed of. To know that there were others who had to see their family suffer and bear the burden of being utterly useless, like him, made this easier. At the same time he found that pleasant sensation appalling and completely unlike him. Supposing it was just a cruel side effect of being a fearful parent and husband, Tenzin would have to ask Lin something she would be all too quick to refuse once her full analysis was given. As the details were given to one half of the family, the other half being Jinora Ikki and little Rohan had entered the room. Ikki had the bowls on the table earlier in hand and moved to sit beside her father while Jinora came to sit on the edge of the bed. There was no need of offering an explanation to anyone in the family, as now they were hear to understand the predicament in full detail. They were not alone in this troubling time. To allow Jinora time to eat herself, Tenzin had reached over and beckoned her to hand him his son. Jinora had done so, taking one of the bowls Ikki had brought up. Eating together, all but Tenzin that is, everyone’s eyes were on Lin as she continued. Tenzin believed, fully, that this was the act of someone diabolical. A disease with no unknown origin that only happened to afflict benders, and so far in small amounts. Amon seemed likely, yet something was telling him that it couldn’t be so easily figured out. He didn’t appreciate the idea of ‘praising’ whomever did this by admitting its cleverness but would not hold it against Lin for doing so. In the back of his mind Tenzin was in agreement with that sentiment; this was a clever attack, and whomever launched it was watching carefully. The information provided by Lin had given him much more to go off of when he had time to think, but her departure from the room didn’t mean it was over for him. Eating and resting could wait, and his concern and stubbornness would not allow him to do either of those things until the time was right. Quietly telling Pema and his children that he’d return, Tenzin would step out with little Rohan in his grasp and would head to the kitchen area, and after that just outside to meet with her while attention was given to the skies above. [b]“Before you say anything, just know that I promise I’ll get some rest after I ask something of you. I have a feeling you won’t agree to it, but it would be foolish not to try.” [/b] Coming beside her, Tenzin’s tired eyes focused on Rohan who appeared sleepy yet content. Jinora had fed him prior to Lin’s arrival, and though his family was together he naturally feared the worst. Proving a kiss to the forehead of his newborn son, Tenzin’s eyes traveled back to Lin. [b]“I would like to follow this matter closely, and that means being your partner in the investigation. I may lack the experience you do in law enforcement and investigations, but this has become very, very personal. My family isn’t safe until we find the truth of all this, and if it really is Amon’s doing …”[/b] his voice trailed off, a tired rage overwhelming his parental concerns. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for the sake of his families safety, and should this really be Amon’s doing he wouldn’t be allowed to escape a second time. They had to find what was responsible for this; Lin was good, very good, but Tenzin wouldn’t be left on the sidelines while someone else did what was going to be his job.