Haha, you're hilarious! One benefit for leaving such words in: you can tell whether or not someone's actually reading your work, mwahaha. Geology, that's really cool! I plan to be an editor in some way,shape, or form until I someday maybe-hopefully-we'll-see publish something as a legit writer. Right now I'm an editor's assistant for a small semiconductor business consulting firm (note: I knew absolutely nothing about semiconductors when I started the job, yikes), which is basically someone that does all the boring, tedious work for the editor. I'm not complaining -- the editor's job is veeeeery tough and there's no way I can do it at this point in time. Our editor definitely knows her stuff, which makes me feel dumb on a daily basis, lol. There's a lot to learn; hopefully it gets better. No one has fired me yet, so I must be doing something right! Woot!