[b]2spooky - Zaria[/b] [i]Why did I come along with these people? The only thing that will come out of it is my death,[/i] Zaria narrowed her eyes as the thoughts went through her head. She had been in the same inn as many of the trainers here and had decided that she was more than up for the task. But, of course, that had been when she was quite sure they would stay together in groups. Many of her skills lay in group work. Unfortunately they had quite soon gone their separate ways and she winded up alone much to her dismay. It wasn't that she liked the look of any of the others, she didn't particularly, she just knew she wasn't at the level of ability where she would definitely survive alone. Her two Natrelmon were out, Nevetta ever so slightly ahead and Sakura-re just at her side. She moved as silently as possible and cautiously in an attempt to avoid anything that might attack her. There were far more than she had expected. At the same time she listened out for the sounds of anything that was, well, alive and not a reanimated corpse. She had made the decision that she would group up with the first people she found. After all, any company was better than none. She was used to putting up with people she did not like and gradually making them like her. That always made it slightly easier to manipulate them. Thinking she heard voices in the distance Zaria began to head in the that direction, narrowing her eyes in an attempt to see better. The sooner she found other people the better. She may have warded off a few attacks, but she wasn't sure how many more she could handle.