[u] Rosette Sauveterre [/u] Rosette found it amusing when a flash of lightning startled Theresa, but mainly because it had cut her off before she could say something irritating about the way Rosette looked. In truth, that amusement really wasn’t appropriate, considering that the lights went out, but Rosette’s preferred brand of humor had a tendency to alight on the dark side. She had noted, though, how Theresa had suddenly developed a kind of unhealthy pallor to her features, as though she were feeling sick. It did seem that the incident that had thrown Henry through a tree had somehow affected her, as well. At the same time, Rosette had suffered her own trials, and therefore, she didn’t care to have any sort of dramatic reaction, when it was clear that everyone was fine. Rosette had spent a lot of time in a state where her only thoughts revolved around self-preservation, and often, she stayed in that mindset, regardless if she wanted to or not. When Theresa decided to make a grand speech about how dark it was in the room, Rosette actually found the statement comical, as the dryness in it appealed to her own sense of humor. The fact that they were in a dark place, though, was more immediate as a concern. The lightning had also seemed quite unusual, in that Rosette did not hear any sort of thunder before it happened. Her own personal belief was that if a storm formed over the ocean and would have lightning, it would have violent crashes of thunder long before it hit land. She supposed, though, wondering about weather patterns was the least of the problem, though she reminded herself to do research if she got the chance. “Well, power outages will happen during storms like this, although the lightning comes as a bit of a surprise. I do not recall the entire time since it has been raining that there was any sort of thunder to alert us to the presence of lightning strikes.” She said, stating this personal opinion aloud. She then sighed, and stood up, although nobody would hear her rise from her seat. “I suppose we should go look for flashlights or something along those lines?” She voiced this as a kind of question. [u] Codi Bailey [/u] Codi was just walking into the cafeteria entrance to eat dinner when a loud crash of lightning blew out all of the power. She yelped a bit, but quickly recovered, having been through countless power outages before. She and Atticus had lived in a location out in the country where the power went out virtually every single time a thunderstorm happened. It was extremely annoying, but generally, there was some sort of small power surge that told everyone to unplug their appliances or turn them off so they didn’t get damaged by everything. In scenarios like this, where nobody knew to save their devices beforehand, the power outage would likely damage some electrical equipment, which was a nightmare to fix or replace. Deciding to avoid the chances of a person bumping into the urchin on her back, she backed up so that Reef’s spines faced towards the wall next to the entrance, and sighed, a bit annoyed. She really was hungry, but nobody was comfortable eating when it was pitch black and you couldn’t see your food. In fact, she couldn’t get it even if she wanted to, because she had no idea what was being served. She could survive for a bit longer, but it was irritating how inopportune the whole thing was. She also had no idea where Atticus or anybody she knew was, and although she wasn’t exactly scared of the dark, she didn’t quite enjoy being alone in it. [u]Atticus Fowler [/u] Most people were bothered by the power going out, but because he was in his creature form, Atticus was not troubled by the sudden darkness. The membranes covering the organs beneath his eyes folded back to reveal a brilliant pure-red light, and several other membranes present in the lure on his head also folded back, allowing the blue bioluminescent lure to shine and help see. These did not aid others, except to notify them that something or someone was leaving the hospital. To Atticus, however, these two light-producing parts of his body made him see perfectly, although in truth, he did not need them at all to find his way in the dark. Even in human form, he was more comfortable in the shadows like this; he would even be free enough to remove his tinted lenses, although his creature form was still better-adapted, overall. He decided he would probably wander around and help people trying to find their way around the school. Not everyone could see in the dark, and the inability to see was a miserable thing. Atticus knew from the times when he would wake up with light somehow managing to get into his room, where he would have to shield his eyes and blindly search for his lenses. Blindly searching, he had found, was a good way to waste time, as well as get badly hurt from bumping into things.