[center][img]http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm243/jelost/M_zps3c47da98.gif[/img][/center] Hania screamed as Randold suddenly took hold of her figure, pulling her quickly up and over the platform. When he had landed she fell out of his grip and rolled out a ways from his body, she hit the earth with [i]thud[/i] and a lowly grunt. She paused for a moment, dazed, before collecting her wits and trying to look around, she blinked a couple of times but could tell no difference between the two lenses. Through the unhampered ticking of the forest she heard the entities snaking their way through the grass, the wolf fighting off -presumably- whatever was closing in on Randold and her. The a loud [i]click[/i] followed the monotonous ticking coming from the platforms and the rustling was heard in full force. Randold, having come back from the depths of his mind, grabbed her arm and pulled her up. He whispered to her: [quote=Randold]"Do not worry, we're still alive, and for now that is enough."[/quote] Randold paused and Hania stared off into the darkness, trying to soak in the dark optimism that Randold had offered. She jumped at little when he broke the eery silence and directed his speech to the forest. After he gave his lengthy demands the cacophony of violence and not-so-sneaky stalking took its place. Anise's voice broke through the noise, faintly heard over the sound of the rustling roots and the floundering wolf: [quote=Anise]"Randold! Other girl! I'm coming to help!"[/quote] Hania gulped when she heard it and yelled as loudly as she could, [b]"Hurry!"[/b] She looked around in vain and gripped her rosary. She thumbed along it until she got to the small silvery rose in the center. She gulped again and began to pray out of desperation, her thumb followed along, touching each bead in order as she recited her mantras. The meanings seem deep, but she recites them without giving them a thought, its as if she's reciting from memory rather than meaning. As if she were reciting something in a different language than her own: [b]All the gods, deposed and ascended, I beseech now in my time of need, Guthrun, deposed councilor, give me comfort as I ride into battle, Runa, ascended councilor, give me the knowledge I need to defeat my foe, Herleifr, deposed general, give me cunning that I might cheat death, Ragnheithr, ascended general, give me foresight to counter my foes' advance. Ethelred, deposed king, give me the courage to face my final foe, Cynefrith, ascended king, give me righteous justice if I pass to the next life.[/b] A battle prayer that Hania helped lead the faithful of Riverforde in before the War of 78 Sinclair. The gods' names would be foreign and unrecognizable to any but those from that world - that would be, the world of Anise Sinclair. She continued the prayer, as her finger passed a larger bead on the chain she recited a different mantra: [b]Bless me, make me holy, burn off my sins and restore my virgin soul.[/b]