Hello hello! Oh goodness, that was a lengthy but otherwise very helpful read. Thanks. With that in mind *gestures to the above post* it should be safe to assume that those lending a hand to help the princess would be at least at the intermediate level/caste of magic and should be able to hold their own and by most accounts, know a handful of tried and true spells. I would then like to assume (if I haven't already, sorry) our ages would be in their middle twenties to middle thirties or forties. I'm more keen to play those who are adults in this concept because they seem more likely candidates unless the other three roles (prince, princess, rival) are oddly young but then again, that shouldn't effect our group anyway. So I think I've got a better picture in mind but I'll still need to jot down some traits and skills for m roles so I can keep them in line. I know you're not one for sheets but I'll probably stash general bullet points somewhere in the OOC. If you wanted to write the IC, be me guest and I'll follow suit unless I have some questions for you. I'm hoping to get to a steady point where I don't feel like you're the GM and I'm not contributing anything. ^^