Jarvis Pentaphraxis Stats: Assets 5 / Power 0 / Production 1 / Influence 5 / Charm 5 The high, elaborate doors of the council chamber swung open, revealing a confident figure outlined by the brighter lights of the reception room behind him. He was clad in a suit as black as pre-descent night sky, with golden buttons that twinkled like starlight on the immutable background of space as they all had seen on holo-vids explorers often recorded. He held not papers, or devices; everything he needed was secured within his mind. More ostensible perhaps, was the fact that he was barefoot which he intended as a symbol not only to the masses of commoners outside, but as a message to those in this room. Jarvis paused slightly, taking in the grandiose room at a glance - taking note of the sole chair that was yet unoccupied. He strode around the table in an paced, dignified manner that was held much at odds with his filthy feet leaving brown print on the pristine marble floor. Slap. Slap. Slap. He slowly strode without a word to the empty chair. Jarvis did not make a motion to sit down. Instead he stood directly behind the back of the richly color, almost regal chair that contrasted with his darker than black regalia further still. The man placed his right hand on the back of the chair, and lifted his gaze to survey the councilors assembled there before him. A long pause hung before him, tempting to be broken. But he held it. Having increased the tension to the breaking point, he took a deep inner breath. In. Out. The expectant faces before him held a wide array of emotion - expectation, interest, annoyance and - what was that? A twinkle of contempt? "We are all people of Dakhen." "Regardless of our callings and creeds, of our agreements and disagreements. We all still tightly hold the thin thread of love for our homeland." [pause] "Each of us have... our own reasons for being here. Some may be considered noble - out of pride, others of honor, or duty. Some may be selfish or even immoral." Jarvis swung his arm that had rested on the chair in a sweeping gesture - taking in the room, the palace, the throngs of people outside. The entire pillar itself. He held it outstretched, palm facing the seated councilors. [b]"It does not matter to me what your motivations are."[/b], he said in a voice louder than was necessary in this room. In a quieter voice, he continued: "We all have an absolute, unwavering vested interest in the survival of Dakhen which at this current time, fellow councilors, is not assured." "As long as the results of your individual pursuits - regardless of what they may be, further our common goal, I cannot deride you with word or action." "What say you, my allies...?"