Basic Information Name: William Freely Nickname/Alias/Etc: Desperado, Mr.Freely Gender: male Age: 33 Height: 5’11” Weight: 175 lbs Faction: Neutral Appearance Hair Color: A medium brown Eye Color: Wilson has heterochromia iridium, a genetic condition where he has two different-colored eyes. His left eye is light blue and his right eye is a medium-hue green. Ethnicity: Caucasian. English and German, mainly. Physical Appearance: Freely is a rather imposing man, muscular from a life of moving between prisons. He has excellent muscle tone, especially in the chest and arms, and looks generally soldierly. He isn’t the most attractive individual, with sallow skin and mismatching eyes. He has fat fingers and nails that are generally cut incongruently and are dirty. Freely’s body is a patchwork of tattoos and scars. There is a Skulls Sugar Skull tattoo on his right shoulder that has two enormous scars across it, as if someone tried to cross it out. A large vine-like plant is tattooed on his left shoulder, with three throwing knives sticking out of it, and there is a tattoo of a black shuriken on his collarbone. On his right thigh is a tattoo of a gun in a holster identical to the gun he usually keeps in a holster around that area, and a tattoo of a knife with two vipers wrapped around it is on the inside of his left forearm. On the left side of his chest is a tattoo of an uzi, and on the right is a shady-looking cowboy riding a horse. On the right side of his back is a tattoo of a fallen soldier memorial. On the side of Freely’s left calf is a tattoo of a combat knife cutting through three playing cards, all aces. His entire lower back is taken up by a small metal shield. one of the tattoos come above his neckline, and all of them can be covered with clothing. A massive ropelike scar runs down his back from his left shoulder to his right hip. There is another scar on the back of his right thigh that appears to have been made with a bullet. A massive black burn scar covers the left side of Freely’s back and overlaps the soldier memorial. There used to be a tattoo of an M16 carbine there, but nothing remains of it. He has a broad, round face with a wide slightly-tarnished smile framed in a thick full brown beard. The beard hides a large scar that runs across Freely’s jawline. Several of the teeth in that smile are fake, and towards the back a few molars are capped in silver. Freely is almost never seen without a cigarette in his mouth; the Skulls used to pass around a rumor that he even sleeps with one. Freely has very disorganized brown hair that sticks up everywhere; he obviously never combs it. He has large ears that stick out from his head and would look ridiculous if his bushy hair didn’t make them look smaller in comparison. Freely speaks with a Texas draw; he is obviously from the south. Attire: Generally dirty. Freely doesn’t really care what other people think of him to such an extreme that he seriously neglects his wardrobe and doesn’t regularly bathe. Freely’s clothing generally consists of a black muscle shirt, a pair of grey cargo pants, and a grey hoodie sewn into the inside of a black leather jacket. On his feet he wears a pair of beat-up combat boots. When it gets cold, Freely wears a pair of grey gloves with the fingers cut out. When he’s feeling particularly cheeky, Freely will wear a black stetson. Personality Outward & Innate Personality: Freely is a laid back individual with a devil-may-care attitude resonating from him. He is always relaxed-looking and is never known to be over stressed or tense. He is almost always smiling, even when there’s nothing to smile about. To a degree, it is disturbing. Most people who meet Freely think that he’s high, but he rarely is so. His demeanor is pretty blatantly construed as apathy, which is what he mostly feels. Freely just doesn’t care about anything from relationships to laws. Some have labeled him as a sociopath, others just as a total asshole. Freely is a very rebellious man, choosing commonly to do something because you’re not supposed to more than he does things you are supposed to do. In terms of criminal disposition, Freely is up there with the likes of Joker and Harley Quinn, though he’s not quite at their level. Freely does things simply because he wants to; he sees through laws. If he feels like exerting the effort to rob someone, then he’ll do it no questions asked. He lives a very hedonistic lifestyle. In essence, Freely is just a nuisance to everyone. He has basically no morality and at the end of the day he doesn’t really care who he’s pissed off and who he hasn’t. His strongest motivator is boredom; if Freely is bored, then he becomes extremely dangerous. The question remains, though: is Freely actually insane, or does he just really need a hobby? Hobbies/Interests: Freely will do anything that keeps him from being bored. This includes exercising, running, committing crimes, getting high, having sex, smoking, fighting, shooting, reading comic books (he doesn’t have the patience necessary to read normal books), horse-riding, climbing, scheming, aimlessly surfing the web at the local library and getting kicked out for watching porn. Freely has a soft spot for horses, and when he gets spare time and money he’ll go to the horse races. Skills/Talents: Generally being a nuisance. Freely is good at figuring out what gets under someone’s skin and exploiting it. He can be a real pain in the neck to people who get irritated easily. He obviously has a degree of intelligence despite his lack of education, though he has more of the street smarts variety rather than the book smarts variety. Having spent time in the military, Freely is trained in hand-to-hand combat and is fairly decent shot with a Beretta M9 and an M16. He is very good at horse-riding. Prized Possession: He owns very little. Quote(s): “What do you mean I smoke too much? Who cares? We’re all gonna fucking die someday anyways. What’s the point in being healthy if you’re just a corpse waiting to get stuffed in the pine box?” History/Bio: Freely was born in San Angelo, Texas. His father was a police officer. His mother died in childbirth, and so he never knew her. Freely’s father was a tough man, always very strict to a point of smothering. He had no qualms about beating his children, and so Freely gained a general disrespect for authority, as no matter what he did he was going to get hit anyways. He grew up wanting to be a cowboy, and in Texas that wasn’t as hard as you’d think. He took horse-riding lessons from his uncle starting at age seven, and at age fourteen began doing rodeos, breaking colts and broncs. From age thirteen to age seventeen, Freely worked on his uncle’s ranch during the summer. The pay was shit but he loved every moment of it. It was here that Freely learned to fight and started smoking. Unfortunately, Freely’s father wouldn’t have his son become a cowboy, even though he was good at it. His father wanted the best for him, and so tried to send him to college. Freely was expelled from San Angelo Community College in two-and-a-half months. Angry with his father, Freely left home and joined the Marines, where he served for five combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was here that Freely learned about his power. He got the tattoo of the knife on his calf because it was the symbol of his unit. He was in a small town on a mission to rout out an enemy weapons cache when his unit was ambushed. Five members of his ten-man unit were gunned down, and as he ran into a house for cover he was attacked by a soldier at close combat range. Instinctively, he grabbed for the tattoo, and ended up gutting the attacker with a six-inch combat knife. This was his last tour. After that day, he left the military and never returned. He was severely psychologically damaged, with PTSD and depression. Now that he knew about his power, he decided to turn himself into a walking arsenal. He developed his carelessness and disrespect for authority around this time, and began stealing. He was arrested for armed robbery and spent three years in prison in San Antonio. He was then arrested on charges of murder, but no definitive evidence could be found to convict him, as there were no fingerprints left behind and no murder weapon. He came to Mendel after hearing about the Skulls, this gang of metahumans, and joined their ranks. He was a Skull for about four years, until one day he robbed a bank and killed all of the attendants. The police never found him, but the Skulls realized at that moment that he was too dangerous and unstable. They set an ambush for him at the Skulls’ lair and when he came home one night, attempted to kill him. He shot his way out, killing two Skulls peons in the process, and was found the next day laying in a ditch. He managed to pull through and survive, but there were still amends to be made over the death of those bank tellers. He was taken into custody. Unfortunately for the police, they had no idea of Freely’s ability. He busted out of the police office with ease and fled to the Bayou. He was hunted for almost a year, but they eventually gave up and he returned to Mendel. He’s technically still wanted, but after what he did with those cops few people want to fuck with him. Family: Daniel Freely: Father: Deceased. Grant Freely: Uncle: Alive. Relationships Relationships: | Skeleton | Bad | Enemy | “Well that fucker’s on my shitlist. Now I just need to figure out how to kill him.” | Damian | Bad | Enemy | “He’s responsible for the scar on my back and the gunshot wound. If I ever get bored enough, I’ll go murder him and feed his entrails to the sewer monster.” | Kylie Detmer | Bad | Enemy | “Those burns still fucking hurt.” | Whisper Kiyoshi | Neutral | Potential Ally | “She’s hot and feisty. I’d love to bang her, and he’s good at what he does; kicking ass. If anything between the Skulls and the Vanguard started up, I’m picking her side and getting some revenge.” Abilities Power Class: anatomical. Power: If it wasn’t obvious enough, Freely has the ability to transform his tattoos into real objects. Every tattoo on his body can take a corporeal form and can be used in combat. The tattoos are made out of whatever they look like they’re made out of in the picture, so long as it exists. Currently, he can create the following things from his tattoos; a seven-inch dagger, a six-inch combat knife, a nickel-plated Beretta M9 .40 S&W, an Uzi MP-2 carbine, three throwing knives (he’s not particularly accurate with these), and a shuriken. The decorative aspects of the powers, like the vines around the knives and the snakes around the dagger, do not appear. I know this is kind of short, but I don’t really know what else to say. it’s not a particularly complicated power. Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Considering that Freely can literally pull a gun out of his ass, he has some weaknesses. Firstly, Freely can create only what is depicted in the tattoos and only those things. He cannot change the shape of any tattoo, and they appear exactly as depicted. Note that Freely has no tattoos of ammo for the guns. Freely needs to reload the guns outside of his body (though he can store them with ammo loaded) so he can pretty easily run out of ammo. Any weapon that Freely throws, like the shuriken or the throwing knives, need to be recollected in order to be replaced and used again (the tattoo disappears after he synthesizes it). Thirdly, if one of Freely’s tattoos are physically damaged, he loses use of them (thus why his old assault rifle is burned out of his back). Besides that, Freely’s powers do not give him any sort of physical advantage over opponents. It simply allows him to carry normal weaponry in a creative way. Other: Themesong pending.