Madison appreciated the fact that Isak seemed to still have manners, even through what happened. It was a moment of normalcy that she could really use. Oh, he was part of the crew. She couldn't recall ever meeting him but then again, she was just the singer for the musicians. It wasn't required for her to know the whole crew and there was enough of them that she couldn't know them all. The man was talkative, that was for sure, and she politely listened as he kept talking. Honestly, it didn't bother her. Seeing another person after what had happened, hearing them speak, well, it was a relief and a comfort and Madison didn't mind his rambling in the least. "Ah, no, you are quite all right, sir," she assured him, though the thought of water did throw her off her thoughts for one second. Every time she swallowed, it felt like her throat was made of sandpaper and it hurt a lot. She concentrated on Isak, to try and ignore the pains of her body. "I was a singer for the musicians... new, actually, so no. I didn't really know anyone well enough. You're the first person I have happen upon." the shade was beckoning to her and she didn't wait any longer. Heaving her dress up farther, she stepped from the sand and onto the ground of the jungle. She should have kept her shoes, the fear of stepping on something dangerous coming into her mind, but the heels would have been the death of her. She made her way to the clearing and let out a sigh of relief as the shade fell over her. It was still hot but the sun wasn't beating down on her any longer. She turned and fell onto her behind, touching the cooled ground beneath her and letting out another sigh. Water would make this so much better. "Honestly, your talking is not bothering me. It is actually a comfort. After what happened... it's nice to see another living human." she told him, looking up at him and giving him a kind smile.