It was appropriate that Kasumi used fire, because Caelyn used ice. They were in many aspects polar opposites, but there was an appeal to the girl he had to admit. So it came to no surprise to him when she incinerated the stairwell. Caelyn giggled. "Nice, maybe next time just set off some fireworks and put a big neon sign saying this way to dinner!" He shook his head and then heard the singed Natrelmon let out a slight moan. "Lucky shot." he added. Caelyn saw the grin creeping onto Kasumi's face, and honestly wondered just went on in her mind. His mind raced between the girl tackling him to calling him studmuffin. His face grew warm as the compliment just sunk in. It was the curse of a ginger, blushing so easily that is. Caelyn looked past Katsumi just in time to point at the Natrelmon approaching. "Eishund get ready." He said in a low voice. This natrelmon was different it approached them with .... discretion? Yata-Garasu the bird type Natrelmon, or used to be for that matter eased up to the two of them as if a bit frightened. It also began speaking to them?! "What the hell, how can you talk?" Eishund let out a fierce growl knowing something was amiss with this particular undead natrelmon more than the others. Caelyn looked to Kasumi to gauge how she reacted to the creatures offer. He kept his opinion to himself until she spoke.