Austin appreciated the defense Ky had given him against sexy skeleton chick about his costume, though he kind of deserved it. He figure though since Hermes wasn't the most honest, leave your crap alone kind of guy, his kids weren't much better. He didn't want to get anything valueable stolen, even though he's positive by the time he gets back to the cabin his boots will be missing. He'd get his revenge though. He always did. It was a talent of his. Plus, they were given to him by an old... friend. They had deep sentimental value. Austin shot daggers at the skeleton kid, though. "I'd like to see you try to keep anything valueable or cool in the Hermes cabin," He honestly wanted to say something much more colorful and use a gesture that was much more... insulting, but there were ladies present and if he didn't keep up with chivalry, well, what kind of demigod would he be? "Oh, and watch dogs, bad ass game right there. Y'look just like Clara," Austin said to Clara. Austin took notice of the new member of the group. He looked familiar, too. Probably because he was from Hermes' cabin. Wouldn't surprise him, since Austin felt his ears come off of his head only moments before the other guy showed up. He looked him up and down. noticing the boots. "Hey, Garrett lookin' dude, give me back my ears, and put the boots back where you found 'em when you're done," Austin said. He wasn't positive those were his boots that he was planning on wearing today or not, but he knew they were similar. "Please," he added a few moments later.