Crouched on a rooftop Feyd watched as Miric murdered the poor elf. The rebel was about to ready his bow when he decided against it, "One day. But not today" he muttered as he crept down the side of the building and into the streets. "I need to get word to the resistance", he thought as he put on his hood and continued down the streets to his location" the shipment of supplies would be better off in our hands" Finally arriving at the local tavern "The Grey Fox" Feyd removed his hood once inside and made his way to the counter before asking the barkeep for mead. Upon recieving his drink he walked over to a tapestry that was hung on the wall. The tapestry depicted a grey fox that was entering a cave. The usual symbol for the entrance into a resistance base. He knocked on the tapestry three times and the wall behind it opened up to reveal a staircase to the cellar. Once inside the wall closed behind Feyd. As he descended the stairs he was greeted by the sounds of his fellow freedom fighters as they took part in hush conversation and looked over maps and attack strategies. Feyd sat at a booth and waited, not long after a man in a hooded robe came and sat beside him. "What news?", the man asked. His face was obscured by the hood but Feyd knew him as Abbas. "A shipment just arrived today, get word to the higher ups. The transport of thd cargo should be complete by midday so have a scout locate where its being stored", Feyd took a gulp of his mead before resting the cup on the table. "Any idea of what's inside?", Abbas asked his tone almost mocking Feyd. "No but i'd prefer we have it than the humans and if possible, give it to our people" "Our people? These are not your people my friend. I am a man, these elves here would more than love to see me dead right now. And you are half elf, they consider you a disgrace. Rest assured myfriend these are not our people. They are simply a group whose activites we both benefit from" "Maybe thats your reason for helpinf but my reasons are different. Anyway make sure that message reache-" "Yes yes i will", Abbas said before getting up "i always do enjoy our conversations, farewell my friend" and with that Abbas was gone. Diluded among the multitude of faces within the den of foxes.